Chapter 1

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We drove up to the house and when we parked Lyle mumbled something that sounded like,"Wow,"I ripped the duct tape of and he yelped.

We steppedout and walked up to the mansion.

"You know the plan,Ky get in kill get out."I whispered to her.

"Ok lets go."And then we split up. Fred Day was talking to his friends and he had a drink in his hand, it was perfecxr. I took a vial out of my purseand went into the bathroom.I turned invisible and walked out of the bathroom. I could tell Ky knew where I was so I kept going on. I walked right up to him and poured the vial into his drink. for the record I could have done it when I wasn't invisible, but I wan tedto makesurenobody saw it. I stood there and watched him sip his drink.Then he started to cough and fell on the floor dead.

Everyone looked at him. A guy went to check his pulse but he was already dead. I walked back into the bath room and turned back to visibilityand walked out the door. I rushed to Ky to make it look like I cared.  "We should go sing Karioke, I hope no one saw that."I whispered to Ky.

"Ok,"She replied and we walked off to the kareoke machiene. After the party we walkede outside and a girl introduced herself. Her name was Timmy. She told us that she was kicked out by the C.I.A.and she hadheardf about me because I was greatly wanted. she said that she recognized us when we were singing.

"The pixies are planning to take over the world and we need to stop it, because the C.I.A. says its to 'supernatural' to be true."She told us this and asked if she cold come and meet our team so we told her she could. So we got Lyl;e and went to the car.

"Who is this chick!?!"Lyle asked

"I think shes going to join our team."I said

"Well she can join my team because she is HOT!"

An d then Timmy slapped him so hard that he shut up the rest of the way. Assasins Incorperated(A.S.I.) was our company we had alot of fight worthy people.

vStar the third in comand has black hair and brown eyes. Jo our doctor, she has green eyes and red hair. Vienna has no idea how to use weapons so she is our negotiator, she has long blonde hair and green eyes. Robbert is really self-obsorbedand has black hair and yellowish brownish eyes. Sasuke our mechanic has black hair and hazel eyes. John is blonde and a major couch potato just like his his twin Bob. When we got to the shop  we all intro duced ourselves and stuff I told every one about the pixies think because most of our clients are humans trying to kill fae we all know about them well everyoned exeptthe humans in this company know about me and Ky. John and Bob laughed at us but theyknew it weas probably true.

I told them that we would have to get weapons for the rest of of them from my brother's house. He lives in a mansion in Colorado and its hidden between two mountains. Thers a lake behind it so when I'm there I usually go fishing. So all of us started to pack.

When we were done Ky loaded the cars. Lyle drove a mustang GT, and John, Bob and Sasuke were going in the car. Robert was riding his motorcycle and I was riding my monster of a motorcycle itwas black and had many abilities. Ky was driving her porsche and Timmy, Star, Jo and Vienna were riding with her.

Ky and Star had a fight over who would drive Ky's car:

"It is my car!"

"So I still should drive you always drive."


"Its not fair."

"Life is not fair so suck it up!"

"But I'll be careful I promise."

"You'll wreck my baby."

"No I won't and how fast does it go?"

"Over fourhundred miles an hour."

"Oh come on I won't wreck it."


"Ky is driving."I said.

So Ky ended up winning the argument.

Since Ky was such a good driver and she was so fast we had to chain the cars together so it wouldn't take forever. I also drive really fast so we had to chain the bikes together too. I was going so fast Robert didn't even start his bike. The whole way there the guyts exept for Sasuke were screaming like little girls. We were driving so fast that we got to Colorado in a day. When we to the mountain area we saw a tunnel. When we gotthrough we saw the big lake and next to it was the biggest mansion anyone has ever seen. It was beautiful. We shut our vehicles off. Me and Ky stepped out cause Kyand I had been here before. Everyoneelse got out really  slowly. "Is it over?"Robert askedshakily. He was probably the most scarerd. Ky and I walked in but everyone else stayed outside.


A/N: Hey guys you were probably wondering who Misty's brother is. His name is Steve thats all you need to know. Plz vote and comment I will not be getting the next chapter out untill I get five votes or comments so plz help me out I'm not trying to be all uptight but untill that happens I can't do anything

May the light protect you,


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