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it's two minutes and thirty four seconds before the dismissal bell and soonyoung is anxiously tapping his feet against the floor and frowning.

oh what am i going to do?

soonyoung sighed as the class was loud around him.

should i wait for him here? should i go to his class? what is his class? should i wait outside school?

soonyoung nearly groaned out loud before jihoon interrupted his thoughts.

"nervous about your little date, i presume."

now soonyoung let himself groan out loud at his friend as he explained once again that it was just tutoring.

even if he did secretly wish that it was a date, he would never admit it.

"tutoring that we both know you don't need," jihoon scoffed and shook his head.

"it's mostly for him, not me, smartass. besides, i'm fluent but there are still some things i could use some touching up on."

jihoon rolled his eyes and mumbled something about how the only touching up soonyoung wanted was from minghao's hands on him.

"look, you might think it's a date or something but it's tutoring. that's all and i won't tell you again," soonyoung sternly stated, crossing his arms.

"you're so s-"

the bell loudly rang, interrupting jihoon and before he could say something again, soonyoung was out of the door.

glad i'm out of that situation.

soonyoung made sure to send a text message to seungcheol to take care of the grumpy jihoon before he decided waiting at the exit of the school was a good idea.

he looked around for a while, wondering if minghao would even come this way.

he looked in another direction, towards the fields of their school and that's when he saw minghao approaching him with a huge, adorable smile on his face.

"soonyoung hyung! ready to go?" minghao asked cheerfully as he pointed at the sky.

soonyoung nodded enthusiastically as he waited for minghao to walk.

however, minghao made no move to lead them.

"actually, hyung... i don't really know where han river is," he confessed quietly, and soonyoung swore it was the most precious thing he had ever seen.

"that's okay, i'll lead us there then," soonyoung softly said, walking ahead of minghao slightly.

"ready to become a master of korean?" soonyoung laughed, minghao shrugging because he didn't understand most of what was said.

minghao noticed that there were many people crowding them on the way there and became fearful of losing soonyoung, his only guide around this place he was unfamiliar with.

"hyung? are you still there?" minghao asked in broken korean, searching for his hyung through all of the bodies.

"i'm here, minghao-ah, don't worry, we won't get lost."

soonyoung was definitely trying to reassure him and minghao didn't understand it but he was relieved to hear soonyoung's voice.

he fought through a few people before soonyoung cane into his sights and he quickly grabbed his hand with no thought except not getting seperated.

soonyoung might have been going crazy with minghao's hand grasping his own but he didn't show it.

"so we won't get seperated," minghao said in mandarin.

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