six; junhui pov

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hi. my name is jun.

my best friend is xu minghao.

yeah, i know most of the time, best friends don't live with each other, unless you consider a sibling to be your best friend, but here i was, sharing a house with him.

minghao is the closest friend i have, we've known each other since grade school and i tell him everything, as he tells me everything.

lately, though, i feel that minghao has become less and less open with me.

it was never like this, even when we made such a huge move from china to south korea, i don't have a clue why he suddenly won't tell me as much.

i thought at first, maybe it's because he's going through puberty... or something along those lines.

but then sometimes he tells me all about such things happening so i don't know what to believe!

i asked his mom, which i guess has been my mom for the past years and she said it's because he can't speak korean well and i'm better at it than he is so he feels uncomfortable.

but i still speak mandarin so i didn't understand it! why would he keep things from me for such a reason?

i was getting kind of tired of this treatment so i decided to finally ask him about it.

"psh, what are you talking about, hyung? i tell you everything about anything," he insisted, i didn't buy it.

"you rarely talk to me at home anymore, you're always in your room because you have, 'homework,' but we both know you've always needed my help to read it!"

he sighs, "hyung, i'm getting better now, remember? soonyoung is teaching me more korean these days."


now soonyoung is a good friend of mine and i feel a little horrible for saying this but i think he's a bad influence on minghao.

why? because he's a winky, flirty, touchy guy and minghao is completely the opposite!

minghao is a shy introvert who prefers to speak mandarin over some new language, thank you very much.

now, don't confuse what i'm saying as jealousy, because i'm not jealous! i just want the best for minghao, that's all.

i'm confident that minghao will always be my best friend and nobody elses so i have no reason to worry, but i do.

what if soonyoung introduces him to other people and he stops hanging out with me because we live together anyway?

or what if he just pushes me away because he has other friends now?

i know it's a foolish thought- how can he possibly push me away when we see each other every day?- but i can't help it.

i deal with it fine, though. i can act like it doesn't bother me when he's around because he's close to me then.

one day, in class, minghao makes a joke about how i don't charm him and he hates me although we live with each other.

i know it's a joke, soonyoung even fails to hold in a laugh and minghao smiles at him.

minghao turns back to me, still grinning, "don't you think he's gotten so much better at mandarin? i've done a great job teaching him already."

and that's where i'm confused. soonyoung has known mandarin for over a year now, and minghao should know that since they hang out. after all, how could he have been tutoring him if he didn't speak what minghao did?

i leave it alone because perhaps they're tutoring is still too basic for minghao to see that soonyoung is fluent.

"does he speak well when he tutors you?" i ask out of curiosity, and at that, minghao chuckles.

"he's much better than he was before we met, but he has a lot to learn. which is why i also tutor him. he can't speak well."

okay, wait a minute. minghao tutors soonyoung? that is just all kinds of wrong. can minghao not see that soonyoung has to know mandarin to understand minghao?

"how bad is he?"

"well, he's still a beginner, but he's getting better," minghao says, he grins and nods, probably thinking about how great he's teaching soonyoung.

the bell rings loudly and minghao says bye before departing to his class and i call out for soonyoung, he waits at my request.

that day at home, i think hard about soonyoung.

should minghao really be hanging around him? the question endlessly comes and i can't decide the answer.

of course i want minghao to make more friends, maybe just... not friends like soonyoung.

perhaps mingyu and wonwoo, they're nice and not too crazy, except for when mingyu tries to say he's better looking than me.

or jisoo, he's a good guy and he's always very good with manners, he's a gentleman.

i guess i'm just against soonyoung, as bad as it sounds. he's my friend yet, i can't help but want to keep he and minghao apart.

well, kwon soonyoung, i'll try my best from now on.

short update, sorry to keep you waiting for this. i've had a lot of work lately and i'm having a lot of testing done on myself. i will try to update again soon because i have big plans so please look forward to it! thank you all for reading and supporting my book ♡

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