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Lars sat, leaning against a rock on the cold dirt of the dark abandoned Kindergarten. His five new companions sat around him. While they waited for either a robonoid to discover their hiding spot, or for Steven to return, He and the Off-colors made some small-talk.

"So, Lars. What do you think?" Fluorite asked in her slow manner of speech.

"What do I think about what?" He asked, pushing his soft pink bang aside.

Fluorite smiled. "About being an off-color."

The rest of the gems leaned in and awaited his response. Lars pondered it for a bit before replying, "Well, It's nice to be around people who are going to accept me for me, no matter how I look."

Rhodonite cooed with blush, "Aww, that's sweet."

Then, One of the Rutile twins- Rutile right- stated, "Lars, Rutile and I have been thinking, about what you're life on Earth is like."

Rutile left chimed in, "Yeah! We really want to know!"

The Off-colors listened in once more. Lars smiled and leaned back against a rock, staring up at the misty and foggy sky above. "Back home... I had a good life- good parents, and a decent job at the Big Donut. There, I had a close friend, Sadie... The last time I saw her... I was such a jerk. I wasn't really the same me I am now. I wasn't brave, and I ran..."

A tear crept down his cheek.

Rhodonite tilted her head and said, "Lars... That doesn't sound like the Lars we know now."

Fluorite then added in her slow voice, "Right. Even if you've made mistakes in the past, they can't cling to you forever. You're different from how you were  then. You've learned from those mistakes."

Rutile Left stated, "I'm sure we've all made mistakes..."

Rutile right continued, "And in no way can they determine our character at this moment."

Lars chuckled and wiped away his tears with his forearm. "Thanks guy-"

Padparadscha stated with a gasp, "Lars, you're not a jerk!"

The Off-colors shared a sweet chuckle. Lars then asked, "Well, you know my story, What about yours? You know, before you came to hiding here?"

Each of the Off-colors exchanged glances. Fluorite then gave a chuckle. "If you wish to hear our stories, I'll go first, because I have several in store for you."

Rhodonite smiled, "Ooh! Fluorite's story never gets old!"

Each of the gems as well as their new companion Lars faced the large fusion of six different gems. Fluorite cleared her throat and began to narrate.

Author's Note: Thank you for reading! If you enjoyed it, vote and leave a comment on you're thoughts. Even if you didn't enjoy it, comment telling me what I could improve on. Thanks so much! The next part will be out soon

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