Fluorite's Story: Part 1

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Sapphire 6jf levitated forward, proceeding through the massive crystalline and stone spire. Her two ruby body guards walked a few steps behind her. Sapphire cycled through the future that she saw ahead of her, memorizing it so she would not make any mistakes when she went to recite it to her Diamond.

Spontaneously, A Serendibite- A gem with the occupation of assigning- stopped Sapphire as she moved through the hall. "You clarity, May I have a word with you?"

She had ash black skin and dark grey hair styled into a single bun atop her head. She wore a pitch black body-suit with a white diamond insignia. she wore a dark navy blue cape to top it off.

Sapphire ceased her gliding and descended herself to the floor. She gave a nod.

"There is a Pearl here- her owner was captured in the war on Pink Diamond's colony unfortunately."

"So you are reassigning her to me?"

Serendibite nodded. "Precisely, your clarity. You already took these two rubies in when their former Sapphire fled after that cross-gem fusing incident." The Gem shuddered just thinking about it. "Any how, Will you accept her?"

The Pearl, with pale magenta skin and lavender hair wore a deep magenta strapless bodysuit, a translucent lavender shawl that covered from her shoulders to her waist, and magenta flats. Her gemstone was placed over her chest. 

Sapphire pushed her bangs aside, revealing her brilliant blue gemstone placed over her one single eye. Blindly, yet with peak precision, She felt the fabric of the Pearl's translucent shawl. "She's slightly off colored... Belonged to a Spinel."

Serendibite had wide eyes. "How did you know that, your clarity?"

"I have my ways," Sapphire said as her gemstone twinkled. She then let her bangs cover it back up. "Thank you for this gift, Serendibite. You may go."

The Assigner nodded, gave a respectful salute and made her way out. Sapphire then levitated and proceeded down the hall. Her two rubies shoved each other a bit and whispered insults at each other. Her Pearl, silently, hung her head and walked steps behind her owner, and even the rubies.

Sapphire made it to the exit of the spire. Where Blue Diamond was currently residing was only a short time away. She floated down the very busy platforms of Homeworld, buzzing with gems going about their tasks and missions. En route to my destination, Two gems glanced at them.

They were Spinels- Historian gems- Gems made to record and collect information on the events of gem history, as well as the creation and death of gems. They had fuscia skin with rosewood pink hair styled back in a slick pixie cut. They wore heather purple tight fitting coats with sleeves that widened at the wrists. One had lavender baggy pants while the other had pink baggy pants. Both wore mauve boots. The one with the pink pants, Spinel 4cg, had her gem over the right part of her chest.  The other one with the purple pants, Spinel 4ch, had her gem over the left part of her chest.

"I recognize that Pearl... She's the one who poofed Spinel 4cl, freed herself and freed our Pearls! Look, she had the same gem placement and everything!"

Sapphire turned her head to the sounds of their voiced before slightly tilting her head to her new mysterious Pearl, listening for her movements. Even her rubies backed away from the Pearl. Sapphire, her servants, and the two Spinels stayed silent on the busy crowded platform.

"Let's get her,4ch!"

"Wait, We can't just go attack her! Let's go up and ask her owner about it."

4cg flinched. "You want us to go up and ask an elite- Not only an elite- But one of the most elite of the elites? A Sapphire?!"

"It's better than just attacking her Pearl, now isn't it?"

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