Rhodonite's Story: Pt. 2

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"You got booked and sent to court? Just for being yourself? Harsh..."

The Rutiles chuckled. "Harsh, indeed...""Indeed, harsh..."

Rhodonite folded her arms and nodded. "I know right?!"

Fluorite smiled before she slowly spoke, "Rhodonite, keep going. I'm sure Lars is anticipating what happens next."

A little while later, I found myself cuffed- sitting in a cold seat at a cold desk in the middle of room heated with the burning eyes of the crowd behind me. Among the muttering crowd, my Morganite sat. I wouldn't dare look at her. If I did, It'd only make me feel even more betrayed.

I sighed and placed my face into my palms. My Zircon lawyer nudged me in the side quickly as soon as I did so. She was a slender gem with a bubble-gum pink complexion and magenta pink hair styled into a comma-like crescent atop her head. She wore salmon-colored tight-fitting pants, and a tight fitting salmon pink jacket with magenta trims. Finally, she wore a pale pink heart-shaped cravat around her neck. Her gemstone was over her abdomen.

"Sit up! If Judge Thulite catches you slouching she'd sentence you right away!" She growled.

I nodded in worry as I folded my four hands, setting them on the desk.

My Zircon and I then turned her head to the desk adjacent to ours, only an isle separating them. Another Zircon sat at the desk, A White Zircon. With a solemn face her eyes met ours and she gave a glare. My Zircon quickly looked away, and when she noticed I was still staring, she nudged my side once again- harder.

White Zircon chortled. She then whispered over to my Zircon, "You know... if you want any chance of winning this thing, you should get your client to unfuse..."

My Zircon growled and snapped at her, "I asked her to but she said she wanted to stay fused!"

White cackled. "Oh my... This is going to be the easiest open and shut case I've ever dealt with!"

Just then, the doors at the very front of the courtroom shot open and out from them walked a light pink Pearl. "All rise for the honorable Judge Thulite."

Everybody in the courtroom stood out of their seats and saluted towards the doors- even the Zircons. I sat there nervously until my Zircon yanked me up by my shawl and brought me to my feet.

Shortly after, a gem with a glistening cerise robe with white trims had walked in. Her skin was a deep Fuchsia shade and her hair was of a light pink shade. Her circular gem was over her chest, just below a white knot tied around her collar.

"You may be seated..." She said as she waltzed over to her large desk at the very center of the front of the room. I gulped before sitting on command, nervously scratching the back of my head in utter anxiety.

Judge Thulite began to skim through the electronic files that were displayed as holograms over her desk. As she read, she groaned and narrowed her eyes at me. "This is a waste of my time... Shall we, uh, speed this along? We all know the outcome of this. Besides, I have a jubilee I'd like to be getting to."

My Zircon stood up suddenly, "But, Your Honor! I beg of you! Hear this case out... I can assure you that my clients are not as guilty as they may look!"

Thulite stared at me before letting out a silent chuckle. "You realize that they are sitting there fused right in front of everybody? And there are two eye-witness accounts of high ranking gems. Any perma-fusion is to be shattered. Hearing this case out will only further prove her wrong, and I'd like to save everybody that time. Now, I sentence Ruby 4nu and Pearl 1sr to shattering. Case dismissed!"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2017 ⏰

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