Fluorite's Story: Part 2

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Lars gasped. "They sound frightening..."

Rhodonite chuckled. "All Beryls are. Especially my Morganite- But we'll get to that when I tell my story!"

Rutile left stated, "And they say Agates are terrifying!"

Rutile Right snickered. "Clearly they've never met a Beryl..."

They all shared a laugh.

Fluorite nodded slowly. "Three of me were very terrified in that moment."

Padparadscha giggled. "Yes, Human Lars, Aquamarines and Heliodors do sound frightening!" Lars would smile and pat Padparadscha's head, ruffling up her crown like points. It took her a while, but soon enough, she squealed. "Lars! That tickles!"

Rutile right spoke, "Keep going Fluorite!"

Rutile Left continued, "The next part's our favorite!"

Fluorite cleared her throat in a slow manner as she continued her narrative.

Aquamarine was petite, but not as small as Jade. She had bright cyan skin and cerulean hair styled into a bob. She wore a blue vest over a dark blue dress that had a white collar. Finally, she wore wight leggings and dark blue flats. White wrist-length gloves topped off her look. A tear-drop shaped gem sat on her left forearm.

Heliodor had the same petite and chubby figure. She had lemon yellow skin with mustard yellow short hair that was styled into upward- forming an upside-down semi-circle. She wore an unbuttoned dandelion yellow, sleeveless-blazer over a dijon yellow collared-top. She also wore beige dress shorts, yellowish-green slippers, yellowish-green fingerless wrist-length gloves, and a bow tie with a diamond shaped knot of a golden color. A trapezoid-shaped gemstone sat over the top of her left foot.

"Let's get this over with, Heliodor. I can't stand being down in this dreary place..." Aquamarine stated as she fluttered her two sets of wings.

Heliodor jumped excitedly as she took off her bow tie and straightened it into a golden wand. "I can't wait to catch my very first criminal! I'll get em like pow!" In an instant, a ray of yellow light shot out of it. It nearly struck Aquamarine, but she fluttered out of the way. The ray found its way to a rock on the ground. Heliodor giggled in a child-like manner as she lifted the rock and tossed it into the dirt wall of the abandoned kindergarten cluster.

"Heliodor! Will you stop it? You nearly hit me! Put your staff away before I put you in time out with my own wand!" Aquamarine said with a growl.

Heliodor gasped. "Not time-out! I've already been there too many times after you said I was recklessly driving my shuttle through asteroid belts! Please Aquamarine, I can't have another!" The Yellow hunter fell to her knees.

Aquamarine rolled her eyes. "Why would they give me a mission companion fresh out of the dirt?! Look... Just follow me and don't make a sound. Let your Topaz do the dirty work, and only use your wand when things get out of the hand. And please, mind where you aim!"

Heliodor nodded quickly as she let her staff fall limp, returning to bow tie mode. She tied it around her neck. "Affirmative! Now, let's go catch some criminals!"

"I'll be considered a criminal for shattering you if you keep making noise." Aquamarine muttered as she flew past Heliodor, fluttering down a tunnel. Luckily, she and the others were moving farther from Sapphire, Pearl, and Jade.

Once the gems were no longer in sight, the three stood up from behind the boulder and walked out of the tunnel. "I don't foresee them coming back this way for a while..."

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