Rhodonite's Story: Part 1

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Pearl's P.O.V.:

I submissively followed after my Morganite, Ruby walking right beside me. We walked across the field dotted with precious pink hollyhock flowers. As we moved up the hill I noticed that ruby lagged behind a bit. I stopped for a moment and watched as she moved over to a bush and plucked up one of the flowers. Before Morganite could turn her head, Ruby had returned, the glorious plant in her hands.

"Pearl, look at this!" she whispered to me.

I nervously looked at her and looked back down at the flower. "A Hollyhock?"

She nodded with that sweet smile of hers. "I thought you'd might like it. Here, you can wear it in your hair!" she said as she softly placed it atop my head, letting the stem slide between my fine peach locks.

"There, you look beautiful like always." she stated.

I nervously blushed and looked off to the side, trying to conceal it. Ruby giggled.

Just then, we reached the top of the hill and our Morganite stopped. We found ourselves at our destination. The site of Pink Diamond's recent shattering.

Her entourage was scattered around- all practically in tears. Several soldiers were walking around the area- probably searching for the murderer- Rose Quartz. Even Blue and Yellow Diamond were here. Also, the most notorious Diamond of all was here- White Diamond.

Morganite sighed as a single tear swelled in the corner of her eye. "So it's true. Pink's really... broken... Rose Quartz is a monster..."

"Why?! How could this have possibly happened?!" sobbed Blue loudly as she knelt in front of Pink Diamond's Palanquin. Yellow stood beside her and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Blue, It's okay... She's not suffering from the stress of this colony anymore. We should hurry up and get going. I think We've all seen enough of this dreaded pebble of a planet..."

"You want us to just leave?! Yellow, it just happened!"

Yellow rolled her eyes. "Don't you think I know that?! I want to get out of here so we don't make ourselves any sadder with the memory of the crime!"

White spoke in her booming voice. "Enough!"

The land fell silent.  "She's gone... and now her colony has nobody to run it. It's already ruined from everything those rebels have done. There is no reason to stick around. As soon as we leave... we'll have to do something to ruin every rebel that resides here. They wanted their planet to themselves- and now they'll get... in pebbles..."

Blue stood up, throwing her cloak from off of her head. "This is the only memory we have left of Pink! We can't ruin the entire Earth!"

Yellow groaned. "You do want Rose Quartz and the rest of her army to pay for what they have done, don't you?! It's the only way to avenge Pink!"

Blue's massive tears began to slide down her cheeks and hit the ground with splashes. "At what cost?! If avenging her means ruining the beauty of Earth that she loved so dearly... then We're not avenging her..."

"You are just as immature as her, Blue!" Yellow shouted.

Blue growled. "Immature?! Really?! Well maybe she would not be so immature if you even attempted to help her when she needed it!"

Yellow turned her back. "I don't want to talk about this anymore! We're blowing this Earth to bits along with every rebel here, and along with every trace of Pink Diamond's memory!"

Blue sobbed as she hit the ground again. "I won't let my sister be forgotten!"

White spoke. "Yellow's right..."

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