Chapter 4: Critically Denied

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Waluigi: Wario, look who decided to come in.

Wario: Toad.

Toad: Hello, idiots. I'm suprised you guys got hired.

Wario: Get lost, pipsqueak.

Waluigi: Yeah.

Toad: I don't think your boss would be happy on how you guys treat the critic.

Waluigi: Critic?

Wario: As in a person who reviews things and can ruin reputations?

Toad: Yep, so I'm in controls you freaks. Now my order is Toad cupcakes and make it high quality and snappy.

Waluigi: Alright Mister, we'll make them. Anything else?

Toad: NOW!! And be quick about it!!
*Wario and Waluigi run to kitchen in fright.* I love scaring those idiots.

Wario: Someone else is coming in.

Kooper: Hey Toad.

Toad: Hey.

Kooper: What are you doing here?

Toad: I'm pretending to be a critic to play a prank on Wario and Waluigi.

Kooper: Why?

Toad: Those idiots have messed with me for the last time with their mischief. First, I called the government and lied about Wario so they can take 98% of his salary and ruin his company. Now I'm screwing pretending to be a critic to get even with them.

Wario and Waluigi heard every thing from behind the counter.

Wario: *growling* That loser thinks he can mess with us.

Waluigi: Let's give him the cupcake that he'll never forget. Read me the recipe.

Wario: We need flour, sugar, very small amount of salt, butter, vanilla, large eggs, milk and frosting.

Waluigi: To cliche, let's switch it from a small amount of salt and sugar to a small amount of sugar and salt.

Wario: Perfect.

Waluigi: Lets use rotten eggs for that nice tangy taste.

Wario: That will go great with some sour milk.

Waluigi: Why use frosting that will give you cavities and make you fat when you can use mayonnaise instead.

Wario: Isn't mayonnaise already fat-, never mind.

Minutes later after baking is complete.

Waluigi: Time to add the fro- I mean mayonnaise.

Both of them laugh.

Wario: It doesn't smell like a cupcake.

Waluigi: I got an idea. Waluigi calls someone. Come to Yoshi's Cookie bakery through the back. We'll pay you.

Kamek comes in.

Kamek: What can I do for you guys?

Wario: Make this putrid cupcake smell good but keep its original taste.

Kamek: Alright. Kamek spins his magic wand and blasts the cupcake. Done.

Wario: Wow, it smells like a cupcake. Wal pay him.

Toad: Where are those idiots, I'm going to fakely deduct points for this.

Wario: Sorry sir for the wait. We got your cupcake right here.

Toad: Finally you idiots done something right. *Toad takes bite and Wario and Waluigi are laughing quietly*

Wario: He ate it.

Toad: *disgusted* What did you guys do to this cupcake, I feel sick.

Waluigi: We made it original.

Toad: I'm writing a bad review so this place can go out of business.

Waluigi: Go ahead, we don't care.

Wario: *talking to police* He's over here.

Pianta Cop: Toad you're under arrest for impersonating a critic.

Paratroopa Cop: Imposters like you make me sick.

Toad: These guys are lying. I would never do that.

Wario holds recorder with Toad saying he's pretending to be a critic.

Toad: Darn.

Paratroopa Cop: Don't worry guys he will be locked up for a month for this.

Wario: Toad was trying also to defame me and tried to ruin my company.

Toad: No I...

Wario plays part where Toad talks about how he lied to the government.

Pianta Cop: Lying to the government, that's five more months in jail plus a 100,000 coin fine. And since you work for the princess that's betrayal so we're putting you in jail for six more months.

Toad: I knew I should've waited until I was outside to tell Kooper.

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