Chapter 7: rumors

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Bella pov: The next day i went to school everybody was looking at me in disgust I walked over to my friends and asked them why is everybody looking at me like that.
B-Bennett Bella
B-There's been a rumor going around saying you were going to hurt everyone in the school.
Bella- I would never do that!
Bennett- I trust you but Amber and Sophia are scared of you.
Bella- tell them that it's just a lie and I will never do nothing like that ever!
Bennett-Ok I will
Bella- I will see you in class
Bennett- yeah! I don't know why but I just grabbed her hand and pulled her close to me.
Bella-I looked up at Bennett and he was laughing nervously then I said I have to go to class.
Bennett- wait! What Bella said!? Would you be my Girlfriend she turned around her cheeks were Rosie red and then she said sure.
End convo

Bella pov: I can't believe that just happened when I got to class the teacher was also looking at me I sat down and Bennett came into the classroom and sat next to me. I took out my math book and got a pencil after class was over Bennett and i walked over to Amber and Sophia and told them its a lie "BELL RINGS" I walked to my next class.
~~~~~5hours later~~~~~
Bella pov: Harrison picked me up after school I was still blushing Harrison asked are you ok yeah i said my phone started to vibrate I picked it up Harrison said is everything ok I said yes?! The person who called was Bennett.
B-Bennett and Bella
B- Hey Bella I was wondering if you want to go to a park with me later.
Bella- I'll asked my dads if it's ok.
Bennett-ok bye
End of convo
Harrison pov: When Bella got into the car she seemed nervous
H-Harrison B-Bella
H- Is everything ok
B-yes. Can I asked you something.
B-there's a boy at school who has a crush on me.
H- uhh wha ugh
B-Harrison are you ok
H-yeah I'm ok it's just I don't want you to go out with boys just yet.
B-I know I was scared I didn't know what to say. But he asked me out and he wants me to go to the park with him should I go or should I not
H- I'm going to talk to Jay ok.
Bella-Ok thanks dad.
End of convo

Harrison pov: when Bella said the word dad I smiled I was really happy to hear that now I just have to talk to Jay.

(Thanks for reading this chapter and let's see if Bella goes on a date)

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