Chapter38:SitC part 1

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It was around  mid August and SitC (Summer in the City) Was coming up I don't know if we are going because my dads didn't tell me yet.

Jay- "Hey,Bella can you come down here for a sec!"

Bella-"Sure!"Did I do something wrong? Am I in trouble?

Harrison-"We got some exciting news!"

Bella-"What is it!"

Jay-"We are going to SitC!"

Bella-"Yay!" I started to run around the house crazy but I forgot to ask one more question. "When are we going?"

Harrison-" We are leaving tonight around midnight so we can get to the hotel."

Bella-"Awesome!" I hugged my dads really tight and I bolted upstairs to my room and started to pack."


We are about to head on the train and I was very tired when we put our stuff away I sat near the window and I started to draw before you know it I fell asleep on Harrison's arm.

Someone was shaking me and I open my eyes and I saw my dads and Jay said "Bella it's time to get up we are here."

I rubbed my eyes and picked up my stuff and started to walk with my dads we got to the hotel and we were on the 8th floor. When we got to the room I put my stuff away and I fell asleep again it was around 3:30am and we have to wake up at 7:00am.

The alarm started to go off and I pressed the button I was so excited for today it's going to be the best day ever. We got ready I was wearing my TwinCoconuts hoodie and my "Tea Party" hat from DazGames and White converse. Jay was wearing a blue shirt and jeans and Harrison was wearing a blue shirt and jeans also.

When we got there we saw a lot of people it was really cool I could just stay there all day and hang out with my dads and friends.

Harrison-"Hey Bella do you want to hear another surprise?"


Harrison-"You are going to do open mic."

Bella-"Yay"! I hugged my dads and I decided to sing "Brother" by Kodaline .

I got up on stage in front of the microphone and my hands started to shake that I got really nervous,the music started to play and I started to sing.

"When we were young"
"We were the ones"
"The kings and queens"
"Oh yeah,we ruled the world"
"We smoked cigarettes"
"Man no regrets"
"Wish I could relive"
"Every single word"
"We've take different paths"
"And travelled different roads"
"I know well always end up on the same one we're old"
"And when you're in the trenches"
"And your under fire I will cover you"

"If I was dying on my knees"
"You would be the one to rescue me"
"And if you were drowned at sea"
"Id give you my Lund's so you can breathe"

"I've got you brother -er -er -er"
"I've got you brother -er -er -er"
"I've got you brother -er -er -er"
"I've got you brother -er -er -er"

"Oh brother,we'll go deeper then ink"
"Beneath the skin of our tattoos"
"Though we don't share the same blood you're my brother and I love you that's the truth"

"We're living different lives"
"Heaven only knows"
"If we'll make it back"
"With all our fingers and toes"
" 5 years,20 years,come back"
" It will always be the same"

"If I was dying on my knees"
"You would be the one to rescue me"
"And if you were drowned at sea"
"I would give you my lungs so you can breathe"

"Ive got you brother-er -er -er"
"I've got you brother-er -er -er"

"And if we hit on troubled water"
"I'll be the one to keep you warm and safe"
"And we'll be carrying each other"
"Until we say goodbye on our dying day"

"Because I've got you brother -er -er -er"
"I've got you brother -er -er -er"
"I've got you brother-er -er -er"
"I've got you brother-er -er -er"

"If I was dying on my knees"
"You would be the one to rescue me"
" And if you were drowned at sea"
"I would give you my lungs so you can breathe"

" Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh"
"I've got you brother -er -er -er"
"I've got your brother -er-er-er"

I got off stage and I heard clapping and I ran into both of my dads arms. We went to the booth were we take pictures with fans and signed autographs.

Hey guys so I'm going to do a part 2 since it was very long but I'm going to start tonight:) ❤️ I hoped you enjoyed this chapter

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