I don't think you should come back

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As mark and his friends filled the truck I say in the car they wouldn't let me help anyway I tried.
Before I knew it mark had gotten into the drivers seat and was crying.
"I'm so sorry (y/n) I broke my promise."
"Mark what do you mean?" I asked scared of what the answer might be.
"I didn't keep you safe."
"What do you mean Mark yes you did. I still have a place to go. Right?" I felt a large amount of doubt rush in.
"Of course you do (y/n). She is going to try to come after you now."
"What who?"
"How do you know it was an anonymous tip."
"I payed your landlady off for the info at the same time I payed of the last of your rent."
"Mark why did you do that I could have payed myself!" I said. I felt bad he was having to do so much for a girl who couldn't pay him back.
"It's fine."
"I can't even pay you back though!"
Or maybe I can not with money but with something even better.
"You don't have to (y/n). I love you and I won't let you pay me back." he said.
"I'm going to pay you back as soon as possible."I said. I was going to use this as a way to set up a surprise for him. His surprise payment.
"Trust me i will just not in the way your thinking." I said being as vague as I could. "Mark I love you so much. Thank you for ...everything." I said leaning over to kiss him in hopes it will make him feel at least a little better.
He kissed back and I felt his tears sliding down but I could feel that his face had a pained look.
"Hey hey it's okay I promise." I said. " here rest your head on my chest and listen to my heart beat." I had decided to have him do the same thing he had me do that first day.
After a few minutes I could feel that his breath had became normal and he had stopped sniffling.
"Okay. Lets go home princess." he said with a quick kiss then turned around and drive us home.
When we got there I saw that marks friends had already moved the boxes inside and were waiting for us to say goodbye.
"(y/n), these are my friends. Wade Sean Bob Tyler and ethan. Ethan is the one my ex cheated on me with but he was being abused by her into it so I can't be mad at him." Mark said introducing me.
"Mark you didn't tell me you were gonna have a fookin' goddess livin with ya." said the one Mark named as Sean.
"Sean leave her alone." said Mark.
"For fooks sake mark I'm just sayin' hi."
"Hi Sean it's nice to meet you."
"Mark I thought you said you would tell me next time you had a pretty girl with you."
"Shut up wade!" said Mark laughing.
"Hi it's nice to meet you (y/n)." said Bob and Tyler.
"You too" I replied.
"Hey I'm sorry that you have to go through all this because of her." said Ethan sadly.
"It's not your fault Ethan." I said hugging him.
"Okay guys thank you for helping drive safe!" said Mark waving to the guys.
Me and Mark walked through the front door.
"I am going to pay you back you know." I said. "Do you want it now of after dinner?"
"(y/n) I said you don't have to pay."
"Your choice now or later. If you don't choose I will." I said.
"No your not paying me back." he replied.
"Okay then I choose hmm now."
I cut him off with a kiss.
"I said I'm going to pay you."
I kissed harder. As it continued Mark slowly melted into it. Probably realizing what my payment was.
I kissed him again this time licking his lip asking for entrance. To which he allowed.
As our tongues danced together I felt his member growing.
Taking this opportunity I led him to where I thought was the room but turned out to be a bathroom.
"Here." said Mark taking the lead.
When we got to the bedroom I felt that he was getting antsy to i closed the door and led him over to the bed.
I pushed him onto the bed and crawled on top of him and started nibbling his neck.
Once I had gotten to his spot I started to suck in order to leave a hickey.
"I know."
"Now please." he said. He was flush and breathing fast and heavy.
I reached down and unbuckled his jeans then the zipper and pulled of his pants. Quickly after I removed his underwear. Seeing how helpless he was I decided to hurry up. I took his fully erect member on my mouth and deep throated.
"Ohhhh fuck." Mark said moaning.
"Mmmm" I said starting to bob and twist.
"Fu-fuck (y/n)." Mark said lifting up my shirt and taking up over my head. When it was off I went right back to my task at hand then decided to try to remove his shirt at the same time. I tried 3 times to get one button then I gave up and pulled up and his member tell out of my mouth with a popping sound. I unbuttoned his shirt as fast as possible then went to go back to my task but was stopped. Mark then started to undo my pants then my underwear.
"(y/n) do you want to make it fair so we are both pleased at the same time?"
"Mmm yes sir." I replied knowing that he loved when I said that in bed.
"Fuck (y/n)".
"Mark reached over to his dresser and pulled out a small package. I automatically knew what it was and ripped it from his hand to open it with my teeth.
"Holy fuck (y/n)." said Mark wide-eyed.
Once the condom was on he slowly slid himself into me.
At first it stung a little but I didn't care I was so happy.
I put my hand behind his next and pulled him down for wet sloppy kisses while he pulled out then inserted himself again.
"F-faster Mark p-please." I said. I needed more.
Mark sped up and then leaned back down to start kissing me again.
"M-m-mark fuck me ohhhhh fuck mmmm Holy shit. M-mark.I l-love you."
"I love you too ohhhh fuck I'm close babe."
"Me too" I said moaning.
Mark sped up and hit my spot causing me to moan incredibly loud.
With that I came and Mark followed right after.
"Holy shit." Mark said collapsing next to me. "That is the best way to pay me back. That's probably the best experience I've ever had while having sex."
"Mmm me too" I said panting. "Holy fuck I'm glad I did that."
"Same. We should probably clean up. Said Mark removing the condom. "Lets take a shower together."
"Mm that sounds nice" I replied i was still in a state of unclear thinking but I understood that.
"Lets go." he said. "Then we can go out to dinner once you find your dress."
"Okay." I replied grabbing his hand as we walked.
Author: they just got back from dinner.
"I don't think you should come to any appointments" Mark said over his dinner. "I promised I would keep you safe from her."
"I think your right." I replied with a nod of my head.
"I will be able to help you here since we now live together.
"Okay thank you. I love you... I still think this is crazy though."
"I know I'm so sorry." he said pulling me into a hug.
"No I mean I met you yesterday and I already live with you. This is so insane. In a way you are a stranger. All I know about you is what you told me in the car." I said. This was like a movie.
"I know I'm so sorry this is scary and fast." he said pulling me tighter to him.
We were both both scared and confused.
"I'm so sorry Mark. You shouldn't have to do this. If I didn't say I love you the first time you wouldn't have had to do this. I'm so sorry." I said I could feel the tears forming.
It's your fault. You are going to take up his space and time and you invaded him and his home.
I shrunk when I heard that. The voice was right.
"Shhh it going to be Okay. I promise. We will get through this. Your not invading. I let you and I'm glad you said that." Mark said looking down at me.
"But how Amy is going to do her best to tear is apart. She might hurt you and all because of me." I was fully crying now.
"That's okay if she does I can handle her she may act tough but she is pretty weak." he replied then kissed my forehead.
"B-but you can't hurt her or she will go to the cops."
"I can fire her I am her boss and I can go to the police myself. No matter what I will keep you safe and away from her. I swear I will protect you no matter what happens. I love you."
"I-i love you too m-Mark."
"Lets go to bed. We both need some sleep and I still have to go to work."
"Oh please be safe tomorrow. I love you." I said walking to our room. I was tired and drained.

"You tried to hide I still found you. You can't run for long (y/n)."
No not him again
Come on just give up you know you can win.
I can try
This is a carnival no matter how hard you try I will find you.
I need somewhere to hide. The house of mirrors? No under a ride? No that What they do in cliche movies. Fuck where can I go?
Come on everywhere you can think of is easy to find.
I know I'll hide in the clown room dressed as a clown. All I have to do is stay still.
Come out come out wherever you are darkies gonna find you.
Mark let me handle tis. I've goot an idea.
Anti you don't even know where she is.
For fucks sake let me try dark.
Shit there is two of them.
I need to hurry.
Then I bumped into something.
Mark help they are after me!
I don't know i think there names are dark and anti.
"Come on I have an idea. We need to trick them."
I found you (y/n).
I felt a hand on my shoulder.

I woke up in a pool of sweat.
Not again.
"(y/n) breakfast is ready!" called Mark.
Crying from the fear I walked to the kitchen with my head hung down.
"(y/n)! Are you okay?" said Mark rushing over and wrapping his arms around me. "What happened?"
"I-i it was a nightmare.." I said through the tears.
"Sh-sh-sh it's okay I'm right here. I'm right here. Your okay. I love you"
I just kept crying.
Fucking dumbass your making him worry again. For a stupid reason it was just a fucking dream.
"I'm going to call in sick you need me to stay here for you."
"N-no ill be fine you need t-to help o-others." I replied looking up at him.
Mark leaned down and kissed me on the lips.
I calmed down a bit and I was able to relax. I am safe with him. I trust him.
"I love you mark"
"I love you too (y/n)"

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