desperate for a safer place

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                         Mark pov.
"Amy I swear to God if you touch so much as a hair one her head." I said pissed off at her threat.
"You'll what? Kill me? Your all talk! You better keep a close eye on that little whore of yours." she retorted yelling back.
"You know what you a fucking fired!" I yelled I didn't know how that would have helped but I was done.
"Haha funny you say that. Now I have some free time on my hands. So I think I might just take a little visit to you whore."
That was it I was done.
"You will not. And she is not a whore. She is so much better than you ever were. I love her more that I ever loved you!"
"I'm willing to net that right now she is in your pool, it would be easy to drown her."
"Don't. You. Fucking. Dare. Amy." at that moment I wanted to pinch her so bad. But if I did I would be sent to jail.
"Is that a threat Mark?"
"You will be sorry if you hurt her."
"Hmm I'm going to visit her. I made a copy of your key by the way." said Amy walking towards her car.
I ran towards her but I was cut off by a hall man. She sped off in the direction of my house.
I ran to my car and took out my phone. I knew I shouldn't be talking on the phone while driving but I had no choice I had to warn (y/n).
She answered on the first ring.
"Are you okay Mark?" I heard her say with a worried tone.
"Get out of there!" I practically yelled into the phone.
"Wh-what is going on Mark?" she said. I could tell she was terrified.
"Amy she is on her way she plans on hurting you. Now hurry!"
"W-where should I go?"
"Go to the bus stop I left money on the counter take that and go to the mall and hide in Macy's. Go into the dressing room on the 3rd floor. Go to the mens dressing room." I said. "Hurry ill meet you there. It should only take Amy 10 minutes at the speed she is going. Go in whatever your wearing. I love you.
"O-okay. I-i love you too." She said Then hung up.
"Shit. Fuck. Hurry (y/n)" yelled in my car.
I was going almost 20 miles per hour over the speed limit. Thankfully I hit all green lights and there were no cops around. I took a back way avoiding my house and taking a short cut.

                            Amy pov
"I'm coming for you (y/n)." I was finally gonna get back at Mark for turning me down.
"I'm gonna slit your fucking throat."
I was only about 1 minute away if I continued at this speed.
"I'm so close to your precious little whore Mark."
I was finally at his house.
I unlocked the door with my key and opened the door. Of chica came at me I would be ready. I walked over to the kitchen and grabbed a knife.
With knife in hand I walked to the pool slowly. I needed to be as quiet as possible so she couldn't hear me.
When I got to the pool I saw that she wasn't there.
"Fuck." I whispered carful to not let chica hear me.
I decided to try all the rooms leaving the bedroom for last.
As I walked into the bedroom I heard crying coming from the closet.
"I've got you now you whore."
I opened the door slowly. Once I had opened it all the way open I saw that she wasn't there. Only a tape playing on loop.
"MOTHER FUCKER! I WILL GET YOU!" I yelled. I went back to the hall and before I knew it I was on the floor the knife on the other side and a sharp pain in my thigh. I looked down and saw chica fucking Bitch was chewing my leg.
"You fucking bitch!" I yelled trying to inch closer so I could grab the knife. Chica bit harder.
"Fuck" I said my vision going dark.
                           Your pov.
"FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK!" I yelled hurrying to grab the money then I ran out the door.
I ran to the bus stop but there were no busses. There was a taxi though.
I got in and told the derived to take me to the mall.
He must have seen how scared I was because he quickly drove me to the mall.
"No need to pay just go." he said.
I was thankful for this.
I ran as fast as I could into the mall and ran into Macy's then hooped into the elevator since I would have been in the open otherwise.
Once I got to the top I looked for the dressing rooms.
Spotting them I ran to them and went into one of the stalls. I brought my knees up to my chest then cried as silently as I could.
Mark I know that voice that's Mark I'm safe now.
"(y/n) its me."
"(y/n) open the door its okay I'm right here." said Mark jiggling the handle so hard that I thought it would break.
"M-mark." I said. I couldn't move.
Mark climbed under the door and rushed over to me crying.
"Oh my god I'm so sorry. I knew I should have stayed. I'm so happy your alive. Oh my god." Mark said putting his hands on my cheeks and kissing me roughly and extremely passionately. It was like he thought it would be the last time he could.

M-mark. I thought I was going to never see you again. Mark I fucking love you so much." I couldn't say I love you enough.
"Lets go home." said Mark picking me up.
"W-what about Amy?"
"Either she left or chica got her."
"I hope it's the latter." I replied.
It would be nice to go home to Amy laying on the floor unable to move.
"Me too."
Mark carried me all the way to his car and gently set me down on my seat.
Mark got in the drivers seat and turned to me.
"I don't know what I would have done if you had died." he said. "Honestly I wouldn't have been able to live with myself. I might have just killed myself. I would be at fault."
"Don't you dare Mark. Don't talk like that please." I said I was still crying from what just happened but hearing him say this made my already broken wall's break come down.
"I-it is true though I wo-"
I slammed my lips against his in an effort to silence him. I couldn't take anymore of that.
"L-lets go home Mark." I said breaking the kiss.
Mark opened the door and right as he opened it I saw Amy on the floor in a small pool of blood and chica next to her with blood on her chest.
"Such a good girl chica pica." said Mark praising her for protecting the house.
"What should we do about her?" I asked.
"We call the cops. Say she broke in and chica was just protecting the house. Then we explain what happened. Besides the fact that your my patient of course."
"Okay" I replied.
Mark grabbed his phone out of his pocket and dialed 911.
I walked over to the knife and picked it up carefully. Keeping my fingers away from anywhere there could be fingerprints.
"They are on their way." said Mark walking over to me and pulling me close to him.
I felt my knees buckling underneath me.
Mark sat down and has me lay down my head in his lap.
Not too long after I heard the sirens coming down the street.
Mark got up and talked to the police while I sat on the ground worried that if I moved Amy would get up and try to kill me.
Once Mark had explained it all and they had taken Amy away I finally felt like I wouldn't have to sit or feel paralyzed anymore.
"We are going to need to to stay somewhere else for a little while while we clean the blood and get all the evidence we can" said the officer. "Are you going to want to press charges?"
"Yes and I would like a restraining order." replied Mark.
"Okay we will work on that. In the meantime is there anyone you can stay with?"
"I can call up a few friends and see if any of them are willing to." said Mark.
"I guess ill pack a bag?" I said.
"Yeah I'm going to help and pack mine while I'm in the phone of that's okay with you?" said Mark to the officer.
"That's fine." he replied.
Mark followed me to the room and closed the door behind him locking it.
Mark came up to me and smashed his lips against mine.
"Fuck I was so worried I would never see you again." said Mark pushing me against the wall.
To be honest I wanted to fuck him but I didn't think he would be in the mood.
"Mark I want you to fuck me." I whispered.
"You have to be quiet though (y/n)."
"Yes sir."
Mark quickly pulled my pajama pants off bringing my underwear with it.
I then took ahold of his button and undid it. I pulled his pants off and saw the tent which made me want him inside me more. I pulled off his underwear as fast as I could. I was desperate and badly in need of this.
Mark walked over to grab a condom and in a flash he had it on and had placed his tip against my vagina.
"Fuck me Mark." I said.
"Yes ma'am." said Mark pushing inside of me.
I bit my lip to contain the moan that wanted to escape.
Mark wrapped my legs around him and walked over to the bed and laid down with me on top.
I started to move my hips forward and back riding him like a horse.
"Fuck (y/n)." Mark whispered trying not to moan.
I leaned down and started to kiss him not stopping my hips.
After a few kisses I moved to his neck and started to nibble. Once I had gotten to his spot I started to suck in order to leave a hickey.
"Mmm (y/n) faster." said Mark referring to my hip movements.
I obeyed and that's when I felt his dick hit my g spot.
"F-fuck" I whispered throwing my head back.
"Im close Mark." I said.
"M-me too." he replied starting to move his hips up and down hitting my spot harder.
"Fuck Mark. I'm cumming." I said my body constricting.
"Me-me to baby." he replied with one more thrust.
I rolled over off of him.
About 6 minutes later we were heading to seans house.
Once we got in the car I was able to say what I was thinking.
"Too bad we can't do that at Sean's."
"We can when he goes out." said Mark with a wink.

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