Lady of the Wood

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    "Alexandra?" Victoria asked.

    The name was familiar. Before the white haired girl could respond, Jason came behind Victoria. He had a stake poking her neck, causing blood to run down the side of her neck and to her chest. Alexandra's eyes started to glow green again. She raised her hand as if to strike him back again, but nothing happened. He started to chuckle a little bit, then grabbed Victoria's cheeks with one hand.

    "Alexandra, it has been a long time, hasn't it?" He said in a seductive voice. She still didn't strike him. The open wound on Victoria's neck began to hurt, then burn. She let out a whimper, Jason pushed it in a little deeper.

    "You pervert, let her go." The girl's voice was stern and smooth, not raspy like Victoria's voice.

    "What're you gonna do? Hmm? I could kill you if I wanted to, but first I'm going to finish what I came here for." He pushed the stake a little harder. More blood spilled. She whimpered. She was gonna die. She saw fragments of her life, parts she did not remember before when James awakened her.

    "Victoria! Don't!" Her father yelled. She was just four. There was a patch of golden-yellow sun streaming in through the cracked window. She had never seen something so golden and bright and beautiful. She extended her fingers, giggling. If she could just catch a piece of this beautiful gold in her hands, she could always keep it with her. Her fingertips slightly grazed the sun beam before smoke emerged. Her skin sizzled, and she hollered in pain. It was an unfamiliar pain. It wasn't just a physical pain, it was emotional. Everything in her four-year-old world just shattered. Although, all she had been raised to know was darkness, what did not have it was disappointing. 

    No golden and beautiful sun to bring light. 

    Tears slowly streamed down her face, she was still sniffing and had slight hiccups from crying. Her father sucked on her finger to make the pain ease faster. He engulfed her in his arms and rocked his baby girl back and forth.

    Not long after, a twelve-year-old girl with long, white pigtails came in. She was wearing a long black, lace, Victorian dress. Her mother came right behind her.

    "Alexandra did well with her lessons today. She's making quite the progress." Martha Grimoire chimed gleefully as she entered the room.

    "Darling, could you close the curtain, please? Vicki burned her fingers." Her father asked, addressing Alexandra. She nodded in response, corssed the room, then closed the curtain. Alexandra was quiet and never went outside. It was the early 1900s, and white hair was only common to old people. Alexandra was their child, but she was born much different from the family. She wasn't a vampire, she could age like a normal human, and she had powers. She wasn't a witch, just special.

    "Awexandwra!" young Victoria wasn't crying anymore. She ran to her older sister giggling. Her hair made everything bright in this gloomy household. Alexandra opened her arms and was on her knees, she loved her little sister. They hugged for a long time before their mother interrupted.

    "Darling, our break is over. Let's go now." Her mother said with a solid voice, but her face showed happiness watching their two daughters have so much love for each other. Victoria let her go and kissed her cheek before running back to her father. Her mother extended her arm out to Alex (her nickname) and she gladly accepted it. Together they walked back to the training room. Victoria played with her father after that.


    "Victoria, close your eyes. Now." Alexandra's eyes had green fire. Her voice was final. Victoria closed her eyes and expected death, but instead heard an unpleasant sound of pain. It wasn't hers, though. Jason's spine was twisting around and around and Alexandra clenched her hand into a fist and turned it. He was actually screaming in pain. His spine making this ear slitting cracking sound. He let Victoria go.

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