Twisted World

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   Victoria finished getting ready early, so she decided to have breakfast. She started walking down the stairs when she heard her parents talking indistinctly in the kitchen. She quietly went halfway down the stairs and listened in on their hushed conversation.

   "How? How could she have had the dream?! I thought we found all ways of preventing this!" Her mother said in a panic.

   "We shouldn't overreact, she'll think nothing of it other than just a dream. We need not worry." Her father answered. Victoria then loudly went down the rest of the stairs. Her parents were standing by the sink, her mom doing dishes and her dad leaning against the counter. 

   "Morning," Victoria said. Her parents looked at her. 

   "Good morning, sweetie. How did you sleep? Any interesting dreams? And...Oh, dear Lord! What are you wearing?" She asked the first questions in a suspicious manner, but the last one was formed with pure shock.

   "Um...I thought I'd try something new today. I slept fine, no interesting all..." Victoria lied. 

    Her father looked down, "Your breakfast is on the table." She looked at the table and saw a decent breakfast. She was suddenly not hungry for some reason.

   "You know, I actually just remembered that I have to go to the library before school, so...I have to go, like, right now." She bolted upstairs and grabbed her backpack, then ran downstairs, grabbed a granola bar and left. 

    She went to the woods. In her dream, she knew exactly where that Manor was, maybe she could still remember...assuming it was real. She ran around frantically in fear of being late, but then she tripped on a branch and hit her head on a rock. 

    When she was on the ground, she could feel that there was an open wound and that there was blood coming out of it, but she blacked out before she could think anything of it.


    When she awakened, her head was aching, but it didn't feel as if she was injured. Almost like the ghost of a migraine.

    She touched the spot where she hit it, but felt only dry blood, no wound. She was a bit confused, but then she remembered school. She pulled out her phone and looked at the clock..8:30 AM. She was totally late. She got up, grabbed her backpack and ran as fast as she could towards her school.


     As she hit the school parking lot, relief filled over her. She looked at the clock again...9:12 AM. She stopped running and caught her breath. The air stung as it went into her lungs, making it worse. She pulled the hood of her hoodie up, covering the blood, and jogged to the bathroom. She washed the blood off and examined where she hit her head in the mirror. There was only a mere mark left, but she also looked paler than usual. 

    I must've lost a lot of blood. She thought. She dismissed it, then went to the office to check herself in.


    Coming into 2nd period late got her into trouble with the teacher and a lot of stares from her peers. Apparently, she's one of the star students at this small school and is expected to act like it. She took a seat in the back of the class and pulled her stuff out. 

    As she was rummaging through her black sparkly backpack, she noticed a manga volume. She looked at it closely and saw that it was Black Butler IV, which she also didn't remember buying. She remembered it being given to Ms. her dream. What the hell is going on? I thought that was just a dream!

    She pulled out the rest of her things and engaged in class, or tried to at least. After what seemed like forever, the bell rang, and everyone started to exit the class. She threw her stuff into her bag and hurried out to 3rd period.

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