Day One in Eclipse Academy

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    As she looked at the Headmaster, she could see his expression change from concern to sadness.

    Even though she didn't remember him, she felt she could trust him. But only to a small degree.

    He walked slowly over to her, his sadness deepening. "Your family has always been important to me, Victoria. Always." His voice cracked slightly, but then he cleared his throat and looked away, clearly not wanting to cry.

  "Where are they?" She gently touched the picture, pointing at her parents. He hadn't answered her question completely.

    "Victoria, there are things you don't understand; for example..your mother.." He started.

     "What about her?" She nearly interrupted, surprising herself with a British accent she know she had.

    "You're starting to uncover your old-self," he chuckled softly to himself, "It's a little funny, actually, because you don't remember anything.  Well, not anything concerning that, I mean. Let's get you cleaned up, for I believe they are coming back shortly. Here." He handed her wet cloth. 

   She wiped her bloody face, right as there was knocking on the magnificent oak doors. The Headmaster told them to enter, and they did. A girl, about the same age as Victoria, with pale skin and fair blond hair, walked into the office. She stood a few feet away, respecting their personal space.

   "Zachary said you wanted to see me, Headmaster?" She had a thick British accent, and her voice was relaxed, which seemed to reflect her personality, in a way. Zachary quietly walked in behind her.

    "Victoria, I present to you Caroline Wright, your roommate. Caroline, this is Victoria Thompson." He said all dramatically. Caroline giggled. 

    "Thank you, Zachary. Hi."She looked at Victoria with a large, polite smile and held out her hand. Victoria shook it firmly.

   "Nice to meet you, Caroline." She responded.

    "I'll show you around, and help you out with anything and everything you need to know. I have been here since year one." She said proudly. Victoria smiled. But in the back of her mind, she wondered why the Headmaster hadn't told Caroline her real last name.

    "Victoria, we'll have to continue our conversation later, but for now, you need to get settled in." He said. 

    "Okay, Headmaster. Thank you for your time." She told him politely, but sadly. She very much yearned to learn more about the family for which she knew so little.

    Caroline guided her out of the office, Zachary following close behind. Victoria, who wished for a distraction, took this opportunity to take in the surroundings. The area outside of the Headmaster's office was very neat and secluded. There were a few paintings here and there, which Victoria could appreciate, as an artist. When they reached the stairs, Caroline began telling Victoria about the dress code. Caroline was wearing an orange tank top, bright blue skinny jeans, and Converse, which she explained as her 'Out-of-Class' fashion. While a class is in session, however, the appointed uniform must be worn.

    "Okay, so for us Blood Dorm kids, we don't have regular classes. Due to too many fights and whatnot breaking out constantly, so the Headmaster came up with a solution, and it also lines up with our natural sleep schedule. We start classes one hour after everyone else's end. So we start at five pm and end at one in the morning. I know it seems a little ridiculous (Zach told me a bit about you on the way here), and so I'll tell you this: your vampire body will very easily adjust.

   "We sleep during the day, or we're supposed to, so we have the rest of the night hours to ourselves to do homework, and then we sleep when the other students go to school during the day. 

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