Welcome To Eclipse Academy

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    Victoria kicked and thrashed, but she felt herself weakening for some unknown reason. As they neared the coffin, Victoria looked at the Queen, who watched them closely, like a hawk. She had a sinister smile, and her eyes were like a dead weight on Victoria.

    "I'll get out. I guarantee it." Victoria promised proudly with a smirk. The Queen just simply laughed without humor and said,

    "Good luck with that." The Queen turned away, and with great speed, she left the ballroom and went to the upper floors of the castle. The women didn't even grunt or struggle as they hoisted Victoria into the coffin. Victoria couldn't even fight back if she wanted to, she felt drained, as if she could sleep for years.

    "Nighty night, little sister." Alexandra chuckled. The coffin lid closed, and Victoria's heavy eyes slowly shut.
    She was in a state where she wasn't asleep, but merely resting her eyes. All she could do was think. Think about her "dream" and her real parents, as well as who the imposters might have been or what they might have been. And James. Most of all, James. 

    She thought about Jason Jones, and how Alexandra had brutally killed him temporarily in the bathroom of the Grimoire Manor. She tried to think of how it was possible that he could only be dead temporarily. How Jason had said that if Victoria were to drink his blood, hunters blood, it would be like poison...        

    Victoria's heavy eyes shot open. She could not fall asleep, she wouldn't. She began to kick and thrash, but the coffin was magic. It could only be opened by the key. Which could only be held by a Grimoire. Well, this is going to be fun. She tried to be funny, to lighten her mood, but the attempts fell short.

    "No," Victoria whispered. Her voice began to break, and she could feel her eyes tearing up, and a lump in her throat. "No, no, no." She continued to say. As a tear fell, her eyes began to burn and her vision went red. She could smell blood. Confused she touched her tear and was surprised to find that it was thick warm blood. 

    "Great. I weep blood." She said to herself. She sighed and tried to relax. However, despite her efforts, she was uncomfortable. Uncomfortable? Why on earth would she be uncomfortable? Everything about the coffin was to curse her to be comfortable; to lull her to sleep. She then remembered she had her backpack. She awkwardly removed it from her back, excited to have found hope. They must have forgotten it! she thought. Inside was her phone, multiple bags of blood, manga, and a lockpick. She took a bag of blood and sipped on it. Then she took out her phone. She had 87% battery on it. This is good. 


     She scrolled through her contacts and was surprised to see that James was one of them. The hell'? She thought. She clicked on the name and noticed a lone message from her to him on it that read:

    Victoria, my love,
   While you are asleep and I give you the dream that holds the truth, and I am leaving you this message. When you are in a situation of dire need, message me, and I will find you. There is a school I can take you to where you will be safe.

    Victoria gasped. All the time she had spent looking for him, and she had him as a contact on her phone the whole time. A clue right beneath her nose. She instantly started typing.

  I am in a castle of sorts. Alexandra and a hunter woman named Fredericka are holding me captive in a coffin; a coffin that held the Queen of the Hunters, or something like that. The Queen is loose, and I drank Jason Jones' blood. Help me, please...
    The message sent. Victoria sighed and she felt her eyes become heavy again. She took out the blood back and drank from it. No nigh night for me. She thought with a triumphant chuckle.

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