Chapter 16

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Lauren POV 

It's been half an hour. IM DYING. "Lauren, just calm down," Camila said, standing up as I walk back and forth repeatedly. "Laur?" I stop walking back and forth and look at Camila. I look at her eyes and see worriness and sadness.

"We sh-shouldn't have called the cops," I say, out of frustration. Camila walks towards me and grabs my hand. "None of this wouldn't have happened if we...we didn't give her up or call the police!"

"Lauren we had no way of knowing giving her up way back then we'd end up like this, or she'd end up getting hurt. And we knew calling the cops we'd be stuck in prison for a bit," Camila responds, staring directly into my eyes. She made sense. I hate when she makes sense. "We'll get her, well they'll get her for us. Right now, the only thing we can do is wait." I look her dead in the eyes and wrap my arms around her. She wraps her arms around me hugging me back.

"You're right, Camz," I whisper in her ear. We pull away and sit down. Me actually relaxing for once. I look over at Normani, Dinah and Ally and they're all talking. I tilt my head and sigh.

"You two," I jump and look at the door. It's Josie. "You're both coming with me." I look at Camila and Camila looks at me. We both stand up and Josie grabs me and a cop grabs Camila. We walk out the front doors of the police station. Dinah, Normani, and Ally were asked to stay at the station, while Camila and i were pushed into the back of Josie's car. The door slams shut once Camila is in. I look at her.

"What's going on?" I question her. She shrugs her shoulders and shakes her head from side to side. I look at the drivers door and Josie gets in. She takes off driving. I stare at her for the longest time. "What's going on?" Josie looks through the rearview mirror and looks back at me. We connect eyes and she looks away, keeping her eyes on the road, driving super fast. I feel Camila grab my hand and hold it tightly. I squeeze her hand back, reasurring her. A couple minutes later Josie pulls over to the side of the road and unbuckles her seat belt. She turns around and looks back at me and Camila.

"Your daughter is in trouble," Josie says, calmly. My eyes widen and Camila squeezes my hand. "Her adoptive mother has asked for us to bring you two, but wants the one who gave birth to Amelia to go inside the house."

"Why?" I ask quickly. Josie bites her lip.

"We're not sure, but we're not going to risk your-"

"I'm going in," I say quickly, cutting her off. She looks at me and then glances at Camila. "I don't care what it takes. She's my daughter-" I pause and look at Camila. "She's our daughter. And i'm going to do whatever it takes to get her safe." I look back at Josie and she nods.

"We want to let you know that when you go in we'll have wires on you so we can hear everything that's being said. Okay? You won't be alone and we'll make sure to get you two out of there, no matter what happens. Okay?" I nod. "I'm going to go see if they're ready. Be right back." She gets out of the car and I look at Camila. Camila's staring at me worriness in her eyes.

"We're going to get her back, Camz. I'm going to make sure of that," I pause and look down. "I won't let anything happen to our banana." I feel her grab my chin, carefully and lift my head up, making us continue our eye locks.

"I know Laur. That's who you are. You'll do anything for the people you love and that's what I love about you," She pauses and places her hand on my cheek, rubbing her thumb back and forth. "That's what makes me love you. For who you are. We created a beautiful daughter and i couldn't have asked for anything better." I smile and feel us lock our lips. We pull apart from one another and gaze into one another's eyes. "Now go save our baby girl." I smile and Josie motions for me to get out. Both of us get out and we go to where other detectives are. They hook me up with some wires. Josie looks me dead in the eyes.

"We'll come in if things get to hard." I nod and head towards the front door. I knock on the door and put my hands in the air like i was freezing. Let's hope this goes well.

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