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    "This is all your fault!"

    "How is it my fault that you fought with a principal over the recess times? You don't even go here!"

    I huffed angrily as I took Cameron's hand and dragged her out to the parking lot. "You can't go to school here. This is unacceptable."

    Cameron snorted. "Fine by me. I told you those private school girls are snotty."

    I unlocked my Porsche and Cameron hopped into the passenger seat. I slammed my door shut and rested my head on the steering wheel. Who knew that finding a suitable elementary school for your adopted kid could be so hard?

    Okay, I guess I should back up a bit.

    It's been four months since the war. I turned eighteen and was able to legally adopt ten-year-old Cammie into my life. It wasn't like much had changed, besides the fact that I could tell her I was her legal guardian and she had to listen to me. Now that was a plus.

    Cole and I were finishing up our senior year. Since our school had burned down, our school days were all screwed up. School had just started back up about a month ago and graduation was coming up too soon. In those four months, I was able to shove Shadow's suit into the darkest corner of my closet and focus on a Super-free future. Cole, true to his word, also put up Blaze's cloak in exchange for a chemistry textbook.

    If I were him, I would have stuck with the superhero thing.

    There weren't many Supers around anymore. Those who didn't die, no matter which side they were on, still defended the city. The ones who had worked with the Agency never joined the Society, but they still kept up their jobs of defending our citizens. That had been their goal all along and they stuck to it. The Agency may have hurt Supers, but they had still made sure to protect the rest of the people.

    Lauren never quite got back to herself, but she's getting there. My "Super-free future" plan included becoming a physical therapist, something that she excelled in. I was a hands-on apprentice at the Society, spending my days in the classroom and my nights in the sewers. It's a glamorous life I'm living, I promise.

    Daniel Cloud had practically disappeared off the face of the Earth. After a while, I received a not-so-anonymous letter (how old fashioned) from him telling me he was now living with him mom and younger sister in Michigan. He still didn't have his powers, and he never wanted them back. Daniel also mentioned, multiple times, how sorry he was and how much he regretted the decisions he made. I responded back with a letter of my own, telling him that I understood he was being controlled by a psycho killer in a red suit. I also told him I would castrate him if he came near me again.


    I was snapped back to the present to find Cameron staring at me worriedly.

    "Are you okay?"

    I smiled a little before starting the car. "Yeah, Cammie. I'm perfectly fine." She nodded, content with my response, and picked up her Capri Sun from the cup holder. She had just recently started drinking them again. Phantom hadn't been lying when he told her he had a stash behind his book case. We could have survived the apocalypse with the amount of juice pouches he had back there.

    It also turns out that he wasn't lying about his fortune. In his literal will, he did sign Cameron off as the owner of all his dinero. I highly doubted most of that money was his, but that didn't make Cameron any less richer. She was the world's youngest millionaire, and no one except Cammie, Cole, and I knew.

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