The City Atlantis

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Me and Prackle jumped out of the portal and when we did, instantly I couldn't breath! "Prackle" I managed to gasp. "Oh sorry" she said with tiny bubbles coming out of his mouth. Then she waved her hand over my mouth and said breath in the ocean's water five times." I did as she instructed me to do, I breathed in the water five times, the water was salty and cold but refreshing, I probably could drink it every time I'm thirsty. Then when I was done I could breath. "Feel better?" Prackle asked. "Yeah" I replied looking around. "Well great now we can make our way to Atlantis, but first let me call my broom" said Prackle walking away. "Wait Prackle why can't we just swim there I mean we're underwater?" I asked. "Well my dear feel free to swim that long, long journey and then die of exhaustion, I rather just fly there" replied Prackle. After that I shut my mouth. Prackle said a spell that sounded like she  had said it a million times. "Come here, come now, at the darkest hour, my broom of power!" Then when I looked up at the ocean's ceiling, I saw a purple broom! The broom landed directly in front of Prackle. The broom was straight and narrow and long. The wood was purple and so was the strings at the back. Prackle on and mounted it and then said to me "hop on." I also mounted the broom and then the broom took off at lightning speed. Everything was a blur, the water, the sand, the fish, all blurs. Then the broom comes to a stop and I loose my grip and fall onto the sand with a thud. "Hey why didn't I float?" I asked, my head spinning. "Very, very simple" said Prackle lowering down on her broom, "we are in range of Atlantis and Atlantis is just like any other city underwater or not" "Huh" I asked gripping my balance. "Let's walk and I'll explain on the way, we still have ways to go before we reach the city." I got up off the sandy surface and me and Prackle started walking towards the south. "So how did know get down here?" I asked. "Well along time ago in ancient Greek, humans lived on earth and Gods and Goddesses lived in the heavens and the heavens were beyond the stars except one God did not live in the heavens, no this God lived in the middle of the ocean, his name was Poseidon ruler of the ocean and everything in it, but no other Gods or Goddesses lived in the ocean so Poseidon grew lonely" "But what about the sea animals in the ocean with him?" I asked. "Well they did not talk and some weren't really friendly" Prackle replied. "Oh" I said with a hint of sadness in my voice. I couldn't imagine being alone. "So one day Poseidon came up to the surface and told his followers his problem and his followers told Poseidon that they would gladly give up their lives on the surface and go live with him in the ocean, so Poseidon gave each follower a drink from his ocean which allowed them to breath underwater and also gave each follower a gift for parting with their lives on the surface, then when the people got to the ocean floor Poseidon waved his trident and then a whole city appeared out of thin air and the people soon gave the name Atlantis, years past and Poseidon longed for a lover, so he told his people that he would leave them for a short time to look for a lover, well soon he find Undine, a powerful water sorcery who used her powers to help the sick, Undine soon fell in love with Poseidon and they became husband and wife and Poseidon's people loved Undine too very much and they lived in peace and soon forgotten by the people of the surface and everybody was happy until the" "the shadow witch" I finished for her. "Yes the shadow witch" said Prackle. "What happened when the shadow witch got to Atlantis?" I asked with sympathy. "Horrors" replied Prackle. After that Prackle and I walked in silence for along time before I saw the darkened city in the distance. "We're here" said Prackle pointing to the dark,dark city. "But it looks empty, I thought there would be dark people and stuff" I said looking at the city from a distance. "Well we're not in the city yet and besides we have to turn invisible before we enter the city in case there is dark creatures....and stuff" replied Prackle. "Now grab my hands" said Prackle holding her hands out to me. "Alright" I said hesitant. When our hands connected, Prackle said "we must chant a spell together" "but I don't know any spells" I replied. "Just say what I say okay?" asked  Prackle. "Alright" I said again hesitant. Prackle chanted "Gods above help us all, give us protection by blinding us!" and I chanted with her and then lighting struck us and I screamed. "There now only you can see me and only I could see you" said Prackle. "Alright but  I don't think people see floating items everyday here" I said holding Prackle's broom. "Oh that well we don't need it right now so" Prackle said and snapped her fingers and the broom was gone. "There now we can walk into the city, oh and just because they can't see us doesn't mean they can't feel us" said Prackle before making her way to the city. When we reached the city entrance we were greeted by the sound of a women's scream. "Undine" whispered Prackle. I could already tell the city was poisoned by the shadow witch's magic just by the look of it. There was a aqua blue main street which probably led to the castle where Undine and Poseidon lived, the street had a dark tint to it and was cracked. The houses next to it were all black and were in ruins. There were some shops but all of them were destroyed with some pieces of building stilk standing. The whole city looked deserted. "What do we do now?" I asked Prackle. "Now we must free Undine"

The Magic Part Two: Atlantis MagicWhere stories live. Discover now