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Another scream filled the air. "Come on we have to hurry" said Prackle running up the cracked dark main road. "Prackle wait!" I hollered. Prackle stopped in her tracks. "What?" she hollered back. I jogged to catch up to her. "Did you know Undine or what the shadow witch did to Undine?" I asked. Prackle looked at me with sorrow filled eyes and then said "Undine was my sister." Undine, Prackle's sister! "But...wait!" I said shocked. "Yes I know, a sea Goddess my sister, who knew" said Prackle sarcastically. "How...I mean can I hear the story?" I asked. Prackle gave me a mean look but then said "I tell as we make our way to the castle." Prackle started walking and so did I. "It was a long time ago and I was accepted as the youngest witch ever to be taught all element magic" started Prackle until I said "element magic?" "Most witches pick one element to base their magic on, such as wind, fire, water, earth and so one, but some witches like me and my sisters had the ability and mind to use all elements and witches like me were very powerful and so we got important jobs such as rulers or should I say rulers of Canada and when we learn our craft we teach them to other witches" explained Prackle. "Gotcha" I said and Prackle rolled her eyes. Then she said "Undine was not so ever a all element magic type and she focused not on elements but healing magic and our parents were disgusted because no witch never not practices at least one element but Undine wanted to be a healer, so one day our parents got in a fight with Undine and a couple weeks Undine did still study healing magic but also now study water element magic and I admired how she studied two magical properties, and our parents once again loved her, so life went on and years later I was part of the witches of Canada program and my parents were so proud and I guess Undine was jealous because we got into a huge fight and that day she ran to the ocean and became a healer down below and since that day I watched over her and cried myself to sleep the night the shadow witch came."  "What did the shadow witch do to Undine?" I asked softly. "That night the shadow witch turned Undine into a monster with a body of a squid with tentacles and the shadow witch gave her a new name, Ursula" replied Prackle now sobbing. "Prackle please tell me what happened that night, what happened to Atlantis?" I asked so curious to know what happened. Prackle chocked down her sobs and said "It was a peaceful night, everything was still and all the people were sleeping including Undine and Poseidon, then the shadow witch came bringing her army of dark creatures and bringing with them horrors, first when she entered the city her dark creatures began dragging people out of their homes and then  setting their homes on fire which gave the houses a dark crisp, and the dark creatures made the people slaves hauling them to Oz, the mainland, the dark creatures also bombed the shoppes, when the shadow witch and her army got to the castle she grabbed Poseidon and took his trident, the source of his powers and banished him to the tallest tower in Atlantis and then transformed Undine into the monster that she is today and well after that I couldn't bear to watch anymore as I was already was sobbing on the floor." "Horrors" I said, if this is how Atlantis was brought down, I can't imagine what the shadow witch did to other realms. "We're here" said Prackle looking up. I was wide eyed at the castle and what has become of it. The castle was dark blue and the windows were barred with coral and the gates were also coral and the bridge was rotten wood, the moat was black ink filled with alligators and the castle was crawling with the shadow witch's dark creatures, the dark creatures were holding coral swords and then we heard loud screams coming from the main tower. "I'll put them to sleep" said Prackle pointing to the dark creatures. "Come all, come one, for a midnight sleep and travel far in your dreams" Prackle chanted. Then all the dark creatures fell asleep  and collapsed on the ground. "Now lets get my sister" said Prackle waving her hand at the bridge. The bridge lowered. "Lets be off" said Prackle stepping on the bridge. I followed also stepping on the bridge. The alligators swarmed at our feet as Prackle and me passed. When Prackle and me went into the main hallway I was horrified. It was like being in a nightmare, there was ink portals all over the floor and the walls were covered in blood and there were horrifying pictures on the wall, one picture showed a mermaid's head being cut off, another one showed a pile of dead fish and another showing a town engulfed in flames. Prackle grabbed my hand and waved hers and we teleported to the top main floor. There was nothing on this floor except a coral barred door and a couple torches lighting the hallway. "There is where their keeping Undine" said Prackle pointing to the coral barred door. Then a strike of lighting hit Prackle and me. "The spell, it wore off" said Prackle in a horrified tone. I cursed. "We need to get Undine and then get to Poseidon and then get the hell out of here" said Prackle in a fierce tone. Then Prackle chanted "doors of iron, doors of hard core coral, break this instance at my booming voice!" Then the coral barred doors exploded open. "Wow" I said amazed. Then we saw Ursula, she was the exact image of that Disney movie, I think little mermaid, she had the squid body and the white hair and purple skin. She was being held by iron chains and half her body was covered in burns and under her was a fire pit. There was two ink portals each on either side. There were two dark creatures holding the iron chains and one dark creature holding a lever. "Do your shoe magic" said Prackle. Focus...breath...bam! My shoes light it up bright red and I channeled my magic straight towards the left ink portal, while Prackle went for the right. When both ink portals were destroyed the three dark creatures vanished. Prackle waved her hands at her sister's iron chains. Then Prackle grabbed her right arm and I grabbed her left and poof we were gone agian.

The Magic Part Two: Atlantis MagicWhere stories live. Discover now