Freeing Atlantis

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The Shadow Witch threw a huge water tornado towards me but I quickly  threw a hot fireball towards it and it exploded. A water ball went running right towards me but i hit back towards the Shadow Witch and it hit her but she came back full fury.  She summoned two huge water tornados and five medium sized water balls. Poseidon took care of the tornadoes and Undine and Prackle took care of the water balls. Then the Shadow Witch threw a water tornado that knocked Undine and Prackle out, then she threw one hundred water balls st Poseidon which knocked him out and then something snapped in me. Those are my friends, innocent people who just want to do good but to people like her that mess it up and I'm sick of it and then they get hurt, no! I ran towards the Shadow Witch and slapped her hard across the face. She was shocked at first but then was furious and we went out in battle she threw her dark magic at me and threw my good magic right back. Then I knocked her back and she was covered in dark blood. "I WILL GET YOU ANNIE GALE!" She screamed but then disappeared, we won. After that I used my magic to cleanse Atlantis. Red bright light covered every inch of Atlantis. Then it exploded like fireworks that follow with by a loud boom noise. Then I could cry because Atlantis was beautifully! The houses were bright blue domes that sparkled very bright. The main road was sliver but the color was aqua blue. The castle was a huge mash of blue and sparkles and lots of fish. The castle was surrounded by a blue gate, the gate bars were made of aqua blue metal and on top were spikes and in top of the spikes were blue rubies. There was a huge opening to the gates. The castle bridge was now a aqua blue wooden bridge and the inside of the castle was gorgeous. The throne room had a long blue carpet leading to two huge golden thrones studded with blue gems of every shape. The stairs were amazing, they had pictures of fish and mermaids and Undine and Poseidon. Atlantis was officially saved. Poseidon gave me a huge hug followed by Undine and Prackle. Then Poseidon whispered something and a huge crowd of mermaids and fish came pouring in the city and claiming their homes again. Then a portal shard popped in my hand. Then I opened a new portal. The portal colors were strange they were red and white and purple and green. "Thank you so much" said Poseidon, "I will miss you a great deal" Undine said to me and Prackle. "Ready kiddo?" Prackle asked me. "Ready" I replied. "Where to next?" I asked. "Wonderland" she replied. Then we jumped in and poof we were gone.

The Magic Part Two: Atlantis MagicWhere stories live. Discover now