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"Brinley" Anthony yelled shaking me awake.

"Oh my god what" I jumped throwing my pillow at him.

"We need to discuss our honeymoon" he smiled laying next to me.

" or we can just take a break from that and just hang out and do a photoshoot and enjoy life" I teased planting a kiss on his lips.

"As much as I would love to do that you have to much to do today - your new manager is coming over today" he rolled his eyes pulling the covers off me.

"Can you pick out my outfit for today" I groaned pointing at my closet.

Tony walked out of my room for a second before returning with a Chance and Anthony sweatshirt. He set it on my bed and then went back into my closet and grabbed a pair of leggings and my white Yeezys. "Love it - why did you have to go to your room to get a 'chanthony sweatshirt' I already have one" I asked.

"Because this one is mine - now get dressed" he demanded walking out of the room.

After getting dressed I glanced down at the tiara ring I still haven't taken off since I have gotten from Anthony. I also still haven't taken off the necklace Chance got me with the crown and diamond. "Good morning Vlog so in a little bit I have a guest coming over that is going to be in my Vlogs a lot more and then I'm gonna do a couples photoshoot with Anthony later and then have a cute little date with all of team 10 at the house and today is just filled with so many good vibes" I introduced to my vlog.


"Brinley she's here" Megan called.

"Thanks boo" I winked walking to the front door.

"Hi I'm Brinley you must be Sabrina" I smiled holding out my hand for her to take it.

"So I guess we can head to the office - this is the team 10 house by the way" I smiled directing her through the house.

We got into the office where Nick was sitting working on stuff for the website. "Oh Nick this is Sabrina you guys spoke on the phone about me" I laughed introducing them together.

"Alright so all included you are a model, singer, dancer, make Team 10 videos on occasion, make main channel videos and vlog" she asked.

"Yeah" I giggled realizing how much I do.

"Ok so I have got in contact with your agencies for dance and modeling and we have got your schedule as for signing you are not signed with anyone, I have a schedule for team 10 videos and for your main channel videos and vlogging every day" she smiled handing me a bulk stack of papers.

"Wow thank you. You are so much better than my last manager" I laughed.


"Alright so my manager just left now Anthony and I are going to go on a little lunch date and it's gonna be lit" I informed the camera.


"Urth caffe never disappoints" I laughed handing the Valet my car keys.

"Do you guys get paparazzi a lot" he laughed seeing the Hollywood Fix pointing their cameras at Anthony and I.

"On the occasion and they practically live at our house" I laughed again.

"Well enjoy your meal" he smiled.

Anthony and I sat across from each other I saw him glance over my shoulder a couple times I imagine to look at the paparazzi. We ordered our meals and began eating til the paparazzi came up to us.

Fan fact about me: I'm up to talk to the paparazzi and give honest answers towards things, it's just that when it gets to the point of not being able to walk outside without having either the paparazzi or fans outside that's where it gets a little much.

"Hey Anthony hey Brinley" the guy called out.

"Hi" Anthony and I said in unison.

"So are you guys down to answer a couple questions?" He asked.

"Yeah" I smiled getting up from my seat.

"So you recently came out with a video apologising to Alissa violet - was that what you really felt or were you just wanting pitty?" His question started off great and then the pitty part came and I got mad.

"I say everything truthfully and I would never lie- I wish Alissa the best and I hope one day we can all move past this" I simply said.

"Babe let's go" Anthony whispered in my ear sliding his hand around my waist.

"'Babe' does that mean you guys are together and it's not just a rouse for the views?"

"It's not a rouse we don't need click bait titles for views when we have actual content" I chirped walking to Valet to get my car.

Before they could say anything else I was in the car with the door closed . All I could get out of my mouth after that was "it's how they make their money"


Twenty ninth chapter of the sequel

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Probably gonna end this book soon..... what kind of ending do you guys want?

New chapter out when this one gets 130 views.

Word count < 868 >

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