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"N-nothing." You stutter, blush darkening when Ryan then scrutinized you for a few seconds.

Then he shrugged it off, "Hey, James, this is (Y/n)."

Thankful for the distraction you asked, "James as in UberHaxorNova?"

"The one and only." He chuckled, shaking your hand. "I don't really recognize you. Are you a fellow YouTuber or a fan?"

"Ah, I think I'd fall more so into the fan category."

He nodded, smiling at you, "Well, it's nice to meet you (Y/n). You know, besides the circumstances."

You laughed quietly, "What are you talking about? The apocalypse is the best time to meet people!"

"Of course, how could I mix that up?" He lightly hit his forehead with his palm.

You shook your head and laughed, surprised at how easy it was to talk to James even though you had only just met him. For the next ten minutes you and Nova just told each other funny stories from life before being stuck in the game. It didn't take long before you felt a bit more comfortable with him. Almost like a friend already. And to think you hadn't even known him for an hour yet.

"Excuse me." You started at Lee's voice, whom you hadn't noticed come back out of the office. "May I speak to, uh...?"

"(Y/n)." You offered.

He nodded, "May I speak to (Y/n) for a second?"

James smiled kindly at Lee, "Yeah, no problem bud. Talk to you later (Y/n)."

As James walked over to Felix and Ryan, you followed Lee over to a corner of the store, the one with all of the family pictures on it. Lee stared at them sadly for a moment and you felt like you were intruding. After a few seconds his eyes left the photos to land on you.

"I wanted to thank you for saving Clementine. I don't know what would have happened if you weren't there."

You smiled, shook your head and placed a comforting hand on his arm, "I'm sure you would have saved her. You got over there pretty quickly."

"About that..." He scratched his arm, almost like a nervous tick. "I also wanted to apologize. When I ran over I should have helped you with that walker, but I... You could have died because of me."

"It's fine, really. You were trying to protect Clementine. And besides, Ryan was there to help me." You gestured over to the masked YouTuber you were speaking of. "No harm done."

Lee looked relieved, "Okay, thanks. It's good to know you don't hold anything against me."

"Nah, you seem like an alright guy to me." As you spoke to Lee you couldn't help but think about all of the horrible things this poor man would have to go through.

With one last smile sent your way, Lee wandered off to check around the store some more and you were left to do whatever you wanted to. On that matter... What did you want to do? It wasn't like there was a whole bunch of options. All there really was to do was talk to people and wait for the story to progress. So now all you had to do was find someone to talk to. A flash of pink caught your eye and you smiled as Lizzie walked through the store over to you.

Revived [Cry x Reader] (Completed)(Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now