(Forty Two)

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Vision blurry, unbearable pain coursing through your battered body, panic flooding your senses, and tears streaming down your face, you ran for your life, holding your bite wound the staunch the steady flow of blood. The only reason you were able to push yourself onwards was due to the fact that you were well aware of the giant crowd of walkers following closely behind you. Getting eaten alive was not on your agenda today, no thank you.

After what seemed like ages of running as fast as your weary legs could carry you, you finally rounded the corner of what looked like an apartment building near the water. You could've cried when you saw the familiar faces standing there, but there was no time to do so. Cry let out a startled and half choked, "(Y/n)?!"

"Run!" You shouted hoarsely, watching as their eyes widened when all of the walkers rounded the corner behind you.

They all hurried to follow your command, Cry running over to support you moving as he noticed you struggling to move fast enough. No one had noticed your bite yet, probably because you were so drenched in Mary's blood. You could still taste some in your mouth. It left a sour and metallic taste.

Your head was pounding and making it difficult for you to concentrate on anything. You wondered if it was from exhaustion, blood loss, the hit you had received earlier, or the virus already beginning to infect you. All options seemed very likely. Thankfully Cry was able to guide you to the alleyway where there would hopefully be an escape.

Everything was hazy but you were able to make out that a new girl you hadn't met before was helping Clementine onto the fire escape balcony of an apartment building then pulling Kenny up after her. Cry gave you a gentle prod forward, signaling for you to go next, but you stepped back. You were a goner, it was better off for Cry and Lee to go before you.

"(Y/n), what are you doing? C'mon, get up th-" Cry started to push you forward again.

You cut him off, planting your feet firmly on the ground, "No Cry. You and Lee go first."

Cry shook his head, determination radiating off of him, "Not happening (Y/n). There's no way I'm risking losing you again."

"You don't understand, I'm-" Before you could explain that you were bit, the numerous hungry groans of the dead drowned out your voice. They were getting closer with every second wasted.

"We don't have time for this heroic shit! Just get up here or you're all going to die!" The stranger yells over the racket the walkers were making.

"I'm not going up until you do." Cry stated defiantly to you.

With a growl of frustration you jumped, allowing Kenny and the girl to hoist you to safety. Almost as soon as you were up, Clementine attached herself to your hip. By the time the woman and Kenny had pulled Cry up, walkers had begun pouring in from both ends of the alleyway.

Just as it played out in the game, Lee was tossed the woman's pickaxe and then he entered the sewers. Seeing Lee descend into the underground, Clementine let go of you to take a step forward and worriedly call out the man's name.

Before anyone could do or say anything else, Cry grabbed your face and kissed you. It was short, sloppy, and in the moment, but it made your stomach erupt in butterflies nonetheless. He rested his forehead against yours in brief pause, "I thought I lost you... I..." His voice broke and he kissed you again, just to reassure himself that you were really there.

As great as the moment was, you quickly felt your heart sinking. You had to tell him that you were bit. It was all over for you. The news would crush him but he needed to know.

You opened your mouth to say something about it when the blonde girl interrupted you, "It's great that you're not dead and all, whoever you are, but can we save the reunions for later? We need to get out of here."

"We're not bringing you back with us." Kenny spat His words were met with exasperation and complaints about him being too stubborn and unreasonable but he pushed on. "You almost got us all killed! Why would we lead you back to our group?"

"But I didn't." The girl sneered. "And I saved your ass. A thank you would be nice."

Cry stepped in before an argument broke out, "She has a point Kenny; she did just save us. Besides, Lee has her weapon and she would be stupid to try anything because she is way outnumbered."

Kenny opened his mouth to grumble about something else but Clem beat him to it, "Guys, I don't think (Y/n)'s feeling very good. Can we just get her back to the house?"

"You should listen to the girl, old man. Now which way are we headed?"

Kenny scowled, obviously not appreciating that everyone was against him on this one, "Fine."


The walk back was excruciating for you. Cry and Clementine both helped you in every way that they could, but even standing still your body was in pain. However, the five of you managed to make it back to the large house safely. Along the way you introduced yourself to the girl and learned that her name was Molly.

As soon as you got back all the YouTubers except for Toby greeted you cheerfully, because apparently he had puked not too long ago and had fallen ill. He was resting at the moment.

Once everybody was done welcoming you back, you decided that you needed to tell Cry about your bite as soon as you could. It would only hurt more the longer you delayed telling him. So you asked him for a word in private then the two of you went into study upstairs.

You couldn't even get out a word before Cry started babbling about how he thought that you were dead and how it was his fault for going after Chuck, who apparently had probably died anyways. Seeing him so worked up about these things reminded you that your news would destroy him. You didn't want to hurt Cry, but he had to know.

Cry saw the tears start to stream down your face and embraced you, "I was so scared... But you're okay now. We're okay." His kissed your forehead and all of his sweet actions just made you cry harder. "What's wrong?" You found yourself too engulfed in sobbing to answer him and he took a moment to finally fully take in your beaten form. His voice was soft and sad, "Oh (Y/n), what happened to you?"

He waited patiently for your bawling to cease and your hiccups to pause, keeping you steady with his arms wrapped around you. The crying stopped but the aching and the headache and burning pain just got progressively worse. Pushing past it, you readied yourself to inform Cry of what happened.

And so you told him about how you were knocked out and dragged into the apartment. You told him about Chelsea and how you could see the hollowness in her eyes, and you spoke of Mary, who had cracked under the weight of this world, and of Kaleb, who was sadistic and cruel and insane.

You spoke of Chelsea's claws and the mark they left on your cheek. You told him about Mary and how she acted so childishly. Of Kaleb knowing who Cry was and that he was the one that had kidnapped you in the first place, likely under his leader's orders.

How you escaped by knocking out Chelsea and taking her knife to free yourself. Mary's animalistic behaviour when she attacked you and the taste of her blood that still hung in the back of your throat. You relived the moment when you stabbed her in the neck, and the realization that she had been your first human kill finally sunk in and made you feel like a monster. Finally, after retelling how Kaleb had been just about to kill you when the walkers got him, you came to the moment when you got bit.

But you couldn't do it. You tried to tell him, but all you did was break down again. Cry held you close while you tried to calm down and it hit you that he didn't know how you felt about him. He deserved to know that as well. Besides, what did you have to lose? You were going to die anyways.

Barely hesitating for a moment you cleared your throat, "Cry, I need to tell you something..." He hummed to signal for you to continue as he stroked your hair comfortingly. "And I don't exactly know how to say it." You had an urge of courage and decided to just go for it. "So I'll just show you."

With no warning, you grabbed a handful of Cry's hair and pulled his head down so that your lips collided. This kiss wasn't like the hasty one Cry had placed on you earlier; this was a proper snogging. This time it started off slow and sweet, you being hesitant to how he would respond, but he returned the gesture with a vigour, lifting his mask for better access and burying his hands in your hair as well. Soon the kiss was very heated, filled with unmasked passion and desire. You were pouring all of the emotions you had for this man into it.

You grinned against Cry's lips at how eager he was. At least you knew that he felt the same way. Then Cry's tongue brushed against your bottom lip and you gasped at the unexpected sensation, allowing him entrance. He slowly led you backwards until your back hit a wall or a bookshelf, never breaking the blissful contact between your mouths and pressing his body delightfully against yours.

Next Cry's mouth left yours and a breathy whine slipped past your lips, causing a deep chuckle to rumble through Cry, but then you sucked in a breath when he began to playfully nip at your jawline. You were in a daze and felt so lightheaded from Cry's devilish actions, but as he began to trail down your neck you snapped out of it.

"Cry." You tried to sound stern to make him stop, but he was still ghosting his lips over your skin and it was making you dizzy.

He obviously heard you though, because he hummed against your throat in answer, the vibration from the sound against your neck sending shivers down your spine. But when he reached your collarbone you gently pushed against his chest and he caught on, quickly taking a step back and rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment.

"Sorry (Y/n), I got a bit carried away there." He chuckled huskily. "You have no clue how long I've wanted to do that." You were already flushed from the intense make out session, but this comment caused you to flush even more. Your face quickly paled as you remembered what you needed to tell him.

Tears welled up in your eyes once again as you struggled to say it. Confessing it out loud seemed to make it all that much more real. There was no going back or trying to deny it anymore.

"Cry... I'm... I'm bit."


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