(Thirty Four)

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You didn't know how much time had passed since the train started moving, but most of the YouTubers had fallen asleep at this point. Nova was the only other non-game character that hadn't dozed off yet, likely due to the fact that his headache seemed to have gotten worse. Every now and then he would clutch his head in pain and keep his eyes screwed shut for a bit until the throbbing in his skull would subside slightly. Once or twice after a wave of intense pain he would look up and ask if anyone had said his name, which was a bit weird and unnerving. You wished that you could do something to help, but you had no idea of how you could ease his pain.

Cry shifts on your shoulder in his sleep and brings your attention to him. While paler than usual, he seemed to be doing okay. His breathing and pulse had stayed normal and he didn't have any cold sweats or anything else concerning. His shoulder was still obviously sore and tender, but that was to be expected. He did just get shot after all, it would take some time to heal. Really you were just glad that he was alive. If Lilly had shot him in the chest as opposed to his shoulder he would be in a completely different situation right now. And you didn't know if you could handle losing Cry.

On your other side Clementine is curled up against you as she stares at Duck cradled in Katjaa's arms. Duck's condition has worsened greatly and it's obvious that Clem is worried for her friend. To see someone so close to her and the only other child her age so sick is definitely impacting the young girl. You rub her back and she presses herself into you even more, searching for the comfort that she requires.

Chuck's voice breaks the silence and startles you a bit, "Got to be hard on ya, eh? Having to take care of kids in these times; no disrespect, son." Ben glares down at his feet at this comment.

"There were more of us." Lee answers.

"Dead get 'em?"

"Yes." Lee says, not telling the full truth. Sure, the dead did claim some lives, but it seemed to you that more lives have been lost due to the living you've encountered.

Chuck sighs, "Shame."

Suddenly Duck goes into a coughing fit, blood spurting from his mouth and smearing across his cheek. Clementine's body tenses and you tighten the arm you have wrapped around her. It's obvious that Duck doesn't have much time left.

"LEE! Lee. I need you. Right now. I need you to go get Ken." Lee quickly moves over to Katjaa and kneels in front of her to examine Duck. "Would you get that off of his face? My hands are full here." Lee picks up a rag and holds it up. "Thank you. Could you just get that off of his face, please?" Katjaa repeats. Lee gently wipes the streaks of blood from Duck's deathly pale cheek. "He's out of time. We need to stop this train."

Lee nods solemnly, "Okay."

"Please." Katjaa pleas in a whisper, her expression so broken it pains you. You can't imagine the suffering of losing a son and your heart goes out to both her and Kenny.

Lee steps over to stand in front of Clem, who untucks her head from your shoulder where she had hidden it once Duck began to cough. "I'm going to go get Kenny." Lee informs her. "Hold on tight in case the train stops fast." Without responding, Clementine buries her face back into your shoulder to block out the world around her. You almost wished you could do the same. You nod at Lee to wordlessly let him know that you will take care of her.

Lee nods back, exchanges a few short words with Chuck, then exits the boxcar to go talk to Kenny. The train becomes eerily quiet, everyone knowing that Duck is pretty much done. You debate waking up Cry, unsure if he would rather be awake or sleep through the events that were to come.

"Duck's getting worse." Clementine whispers shakily so that only you can hear. "What are we going to do?"

You sigh, "We'll do whatever we have to." It's a lame answer, but you can't think of anything else to say. It's silent in the boxcar again until eventually the train slows to a halt.

You move to hop out with Clementine, waking Cry up in the process as his pillow leaves him. You tell Clem to stick with Cry while you go to wake the other sleeping YouTubers. Nova's out of it due to his headache that it looking more like a migraine to you now, so even though he has been awake the whole time, you still have to explain to all four of them what is going on. Once you do, everyone's posture is sagged by the heaviness that sadness and dread brings with it. There are no jokes or smiles being passed around now.

You all jump off the train as Kenny approaches Katjaa. As she speaks she mostly keeps her eyes downcast, "Ken. It's... I think it's time." Lee steps into view beside Kenny, wearing a bruised and split left cheekbone, and looks at Duck's frail form with pity.

"The boy's been bit." Kenny spits bitterly at Chuck, Ben, you, and the YouTubers. "In case you haven't figured that out." None of you say anything.

"What do you need?" Lee asks.

Kenny shrugs, looking so lost, "I... I..."

Lee turns to Katjaa, "Katjaa?"

"It's time to... This is not possible." She can't finish her sentence.

"What are we gonna do?" Kenny asks quietly, sounding broken and unsure, which is not his usual tone when he speaks.

Katjaa stares at her husband for a moment before draping an arm over their son and stroking his fair lovingly, "We can't allow him to become one of those things."

"But what if..." Kenny tries. "But what if he doesn't?"

"Kenny, I love you very much. I love our son more than life itself." Katjaa's voice becomes watery with emotion as tears build behind her eyes. "I need you to hear me. What you are saying, that he may not turn, is foolish."

"But-" Kenny starts.

Katjaa shuts him down, "No."

"There's... Come on, Kat." Kenny pleads desperately, searching for any scrap of hope to clasp onto.

"If you think of one, you let me know." She says, sounding oddly detached.

Kenny tries again, "Isn't there some sort of pill, or something we can just give him..."

"Stop it." Katjaa shakes her head.

You can practically see Kenny breaking apart at the seams, his voice cracking as he grasps at straws to keep hope that his son will be okay, "He can just drift off the sleep, right, hon? I mean, Jesus, this is our son."

"I know. But we know it's... Here." She makes a fake gun out of her hands and puts it to her head. "Or nothing."

Kenny holds his head in his hands, "Well... Fuck... Just... Who then? You want me to?" The two of them begin to debate about who should be the one to end their son's life. You heart breaks for them as you can hear and see the grief and sorrow so clearly in their voices and on their faces.

Finally Lee speaks up, "I'll do it."

"No. It should be a parent." Katjaa denies.

"No parent should have to do something like this." Lee reasons.

"Lee's right, Kat." Kenny voices. "We can say our goodbyes and... Just let that be it."

Katjaa hesitates, "I don't know... Lee, you'd be doing this family a great service." Her eyes flicker over to Clementine who sits on the ledge of the boxcar near where Duck's body lay. "Why don't we take him into the forest. So Clementine doesn't have to see."

"Yeah." Kenny's voice cracks with emotion.

"Give us a moment to say goodbye?" Katjaa asks Lee.

Lee nods, "Of course."

The whole group is dead silent as they all watch Katjaa pick up her son and carry him into the forest with Kenny to say their last farewells to their only child. You hear Cry curse under his breath as he runs an agitated hand through his hair. You hesitate for a moment then decide to go for it, grabbing Cry's hand and holding it tightly to let him know that you're there for him. He squeezes I back and you do feel a little better knowing that he is there for you too.

"What's happening?" Clementine's timid voice reaches your ears. She jumps down from the boxcar and walks over to Lee, who crouches down to be at her level.

"Duck is dying." Lee explains, not bothering to sugarcoat it.

"I know." She pauses. "What are you doing?"

"Lee sighs, looking down, "I'm putting him out of his misery."


"Yeah. Look, Clem. Things will –" A gunshot sounds from the forest, cutting Lee off. "What the –"

Cry gasps and his hand tightens around yours as your breath catches in your throat. You hadn't expected it to happen so soon.

"NOOO!" Kenny's wail sounds immediately after the shot.

"Ben! Take Clementine into the train!" Lee commands. "Go, it'll be fine." He assures Clem.

Lee takes off after Kenny, Katjaa, and Duck to find out what happened while the rest of you just stand there, unsure of what else you can do. Ben gets into the boxcar and you help Clementine into it. You then stand in front of the opening with Cry, still connected by your hands as you wait in tense silence for Lee, Kenny, and Katjaa to return. Only you and the YouTubers know that Katjaa won't be coming back.

Another gunshot echoes in the distance and you hang your head, tears pricking at your eyes as you know what just happened. As annoying as Duck may have been, you never would have wished for his death. Knowing Katjaa and Duck in the video game and seeing them die was heartbreaking, but it was so much worse when you actually got to know them and interact with them personally. They were more like people to you than characters, and losing so many people so quickly was definitely beginning to take its toll.

You hadn't even noticed that you had begun to cry until you realized that Cry had you in a tight hug as he rubbed your back soothingly. He holds you as you struggle to compose yourself. Now was not the time to break down, especially not while you were in front of everyone else. Cry finally lets you go once you've calmed down enough, which is just as Lee and Kenny come into sight.

Lee is standing tall but you can tell he feels like he has the weight of the world on his shoulders. And Kenny... Poor Kenny is slumped over, dragging his feet as he shuffles along just behind Lee. He doesn't even talk to anybody, instead bypassing you all completely and going straight to the front of the train to get it started again.

"Let's just go." Lee sighs, sounding defeated.

Nobody objects, the message being clear. Two gunshots. Only Kenny and Lee returning. Everybody knows what that means. You all file into the boxcar, the silence thick and full of sorrow. Cry grabs onto your hand again before he drifts off back into a peaceful slumber as the train comes to life once more.


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