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A/N: This chapter is kind of dark and there is some violence and mention/hints of rape. I just wanted to warn you all before you continue reading. But anyways, enjoy!


It had taken a full week for the swelling in your cheek to go down and, just as Toby had put it, you were left with one nasty bruise. There was also a scab to show where the skin had broken upon contact with the metal pipe. Every time Mark had seen you he apologized profusely about the injury he had given you. By now you were over it and you found it a bit amusing how bad Mark felt about it still. It probably didn't help that he couldn't look at you without being reminded of what he had done.

Clementine scuffed her feet across the ground, not meeting your eyes as she spoke, "Be safe, okay?"

When she had first seen you after getting back from the air force base her jaw had dropped and her eyes had widened almost comically. Then she had asked you questions non-stop and finally she almost never left your side and made you promise not to go on any supply runs for a while. You agreed, not too eager yourself to venture back out right after your slight concussion and sore cheek that Katjaa had helped clean and patch up. A week had passed and today you were going on a run with James and Michelle.

"I will be. You stay safe here, alright?" She nodded. "Good. Now go see Lee, he said he wanted to talk to you."

Clem gave you a short hug before she wandered off to find the man that had become a fatherly-figure to her. You then noticed Cry making his way over to you. He, like Clementine and a few others, had been protective over you for the past week. He kept on saying that you shouldn't have gone first and that he should have stopped you, not accepting it when you tried to convince him that it wasn't his fault and that there was nothing he could have done. When he finally stood beside you he stayed quiet for a bit, just watching Clem chat with Lee.

"Be careful." He said it so quietly that you almost didn't hear him.

You nodded, "I will."

"I mean it." Cry turned you to face him. His gaze was intense and you found yourself unable to look away. "We've never gone this far out. We have no clue what could be waiting for you guys. Do not let your guard down, no matter what."

"Okay." You said, mulling over his words.

It was true, this was foreign ground to you. Anything could happen, you didn't know the state of the town. It could be overrun, it could be abandoned, hell, it could even be a safe haven with other people surviving in it. Nobody at your camp knew, which made this supply run that much more dangerous.

You were snapped out of your thoughts when strong arms suddenly wrapped around you and pulled you into a hug. You only hesitated for a second before you returned the embrace, trying to ignore the knots that appeared in your stomach. All too soon Ryan pulled back.

"Be back soon." You didn't even get a chance to respond or get a clear look at him and he was gone.

"James and Michelle are waiting for you at the gates." Felix informed you. "You had better go. And don't do anything stupid, you got it?"

You laughed quietly, "Okay Pewds. I'll see you later."

"You ready?" Minx asked as you reached the gates. You readjusted the straps on your backpack and nodded. "Let's get going then."

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