Personal 1.8 - Society & My Past

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Meaning To Me:

#1. Society: The first drawing was about how society still disapproves of homosexuality and that it's depressing to those who are in the lgbt+ and feel trapped with only suicide as a way to escape. (Luckily, even though my school is against homosexuality because we are in an Islamic country, everyone there is open minded and doesn't care as long as they're not sexually assualted so it's really nice to know that I can be open about my sexuality with almost everyone in my school. My new school is awesome, don't you think? Well I love it because it's much better than my old school filled with bullies (But my old school classmates also don't mind homosexuality)).

#2. My Past: The second drawing displays a red mermaid which is unusual as most mermaids are depicted as green, pink, purple, or blue so this mermaid is different. Since she is different she has been discriminated and told: "Go Die". This pain in the end lead to her taking her own life with pills.

It was drawn using a red, a black & a green pen, a green coloring pencil, and a 0.7mm lead pencil.

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