I Missed You

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I'm here in this big house, alone. Well I got friends here to keep me company.

But, it's not the same without my baby, Chris.

He's on tour and he calls, texts, and Skype's me, but it's not the same.

It was about 7 am I got a call from Chris (Yayyy!!!).

"Hey baby!!"

"Hey Y/N!! It feels really good to hear my baby girl's voice."

lol corny much...

"It's good to hear your voice too. So, hows the tour going? These 4 months feel like 4 centuries!!"

"It's going well. But it's not the same without you here."

I just sat on our bed and blushed my cheeks off!! I miss him...

It was like an 2 second silence until he broke it.

"Baby, I got a surprise for you!!"

"Oooo!!! What is it!?!" I said with excitement. He brings the inner child in me sometimes.

"It should be delivered at our house like-"

I heard the doorbell ring. "Excuse me baby, but I got to get the door."

The doorbell rang again and I yelled "I'm coming!!"

I jogged down the stairs and opened the door without asking who it was.

This adorable high yellow mother fucker's face right in front of me.

"CHRIS!!" I yelled and then jumping into his arms.

"Hey baby. I missed you." He said while we were still hugging. We kissed and then came inside.

He pushed me onto the couch and started making out with me.

"Chris, what about your stuff!?"

"I'll get that shit later!! But first you gotta Show Me how much you missed me!!"

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