The Prank pt.2

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Keke: mann, Bri did u pay ur light bill

Bri: nigga yes, u know my mom & dad pays the bills ahead of time

            we all heard a loud sound.

Kiah: did y'all hear that

Keke: nahh cuz we all deaf nigga what do u think yes we heard it

      just then someone grabbed me from behind and covered my mouth. Whoever grabbed me, dragged me all the wat to the basement and when we were in there I heard my girls trying to scream but I guess their mouths were covered also. Then I was being tied up to a chair and then for steak figures walked in front of us and started talking.

                        (DF= Dark Figure)

DF-1: well well well who do we have here?

Bri: nigga, who the fuck r y'all?

DF-2: people

Keke: duhh nigga we know y'all people

DF-3: y'all we got smart mouths on our hands

Riah: we standing I mean sitting rite here we can hear u

DF-4: it was mint for y'all too hear

Kiah: what do y'all want anyways?

DF-3: too kidnap and kill yall

Kiah: y what we do to y'all?

DF-4: y'all killed our best friend and now we gonna kill y'all

Bri: what the fuck u talking bout we ain't kill nobody

Keke: yeah u must got us mixed up with some other people

DF-1: no we don't we know it was y'all

DF-2: y Kiah crying fo?

Keke: how the fuck u know our names?

DF-2: don't worry about that

Bri: Kiah if u don't shut the fuck up crying

Kiah: *talking while crying* but Im too young to die

Bri: girl if u don't shut the fuck up

Kiah: * crying really loud*

DF-3: we'll be back

                     they all left

Riah: Kiah y the fuck were u crying

Kiah: I wasn't I was faking

Bri: how did u know they were gonna leave

Kiah: I didn't

Bri: oh

                        all the lights turned on




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