PayBack Coming

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Bri Pov

just 20 more mins of skool yass thank god

Ray Pov

Im in da bathroom washing my hands and Jason just walked in perfect time to talk to him

Ray: wussup Jason

Jason: nun much

Ray: o, well I know a person that like

Jason: who man is it Brianna??

Ray: nahh, it Tiffany

Jason: o so she like me huh?

Ray: yepp, man u should ask her out today before we leave

Jason: iight and thanks

yes now i got that over with I don't gotta worry about him being over bri

Bri Pov

so I'm at my locker with my crew or whatever cuz its only 5 mins left till da bell ring for dismissal and I see Jason walking down da hall ima ask him if he still coming over today

Bri: y'all I'll brb(be rite back)

EB: iight

Bri: Jason

Jason: wussup

Bri: nun, u still coming over today??

Jason: nahh I'm going over Tiffany house today sorry

Bri: nahh it ok

Jason: iight

the bell just ringed I'm out of this hell whole called school yes I walked out of school and got in my car and after about 10 mins of driving I pulled up to my house and went in and then 5 mins after that the girls came so we could plan how to get the boys back for pranking us(a/n if u don't remember go back and read "The Prank")

Riah: so what we gone do to get them back

Keke: well I was thinking that we all dress up in some sexy lingerie and we all give them a lap dance to tease them and make them forget that we're their friends and we'll get them horny asf(as fuck) and they'll get boners

Kiah: that is good rite there

Bri: yepp

Riah: so they will be here in ten mins so let's get it on already

Girls/Riah: iight

so I put on some purple cheetah print lingerie Riah put on some blue leopard print lingerie Kiah put on some green cheetah print lingerie and Keke put on some red leopard print lingerie after we finish putting on our stuff we heard the boys come in

Kiah: they're here

Riah: *yelling* y'all we coming down but two of y'all sit on one couch, one on one end and the other one on the other end and do dat on the other couch we got a surprise for y'all

Boys Pov

I wonder what the surprise is

Bri Pov

Riah: I got Roc

Bri: I got Ray

Kiah: I got prince

Keke: and I got prod

Kiah: what song we gonna do again

Bri: Ciara Body Party

Kiah: kk

we all walked down stairs and the boys mouths dropped

Roc: what are y'all doing

Bri: don't worry bout you'll find out just sit back and relax

I went over to my speakers and plug my phone to it and played  Body Party then we all gave the boys their lap dance then the song ended

Bri: y'all got boners i see *laughing*

Riah: y'all surprised?

Boys: hell yeah

Roc: y'all got us horny asf, y'all gone let us hit too?

Girls: hell to the motherfukin nahh we only friends

Ray: so y'all just gone tease and get us horny

Girls: yepp

Boys: y?

Riah: remember when yall pranked us and we told y'all we was gonna get yall back

Prince: o

Bri: well we gotta go change we'll be back

Ray: nahh y'all can stay like that it aint nonething wrong with what y'all got on

Bri: nigga no we gonna change

we all went upstairs and put back on our regular clothes and went back down stairs


Thanks for reading

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