ch. 2

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Stepping out of my car, I headed across the street to the venue Stone's band would be playing at. Arriving at the entrance, I handed the man my ticket and made my way in. I maneuvered through the crowd, managing to score a good spot towards the front beside two thrilled teenage girls. My eyes scanned the audience of ecstatic fans. The attire they wore seemed to only consist of band tees with ripped jeans and unfortunately I had missed the memo. My clothes were plain, my jeans were not at all ripped and my shirt was bare of any band names. I stuck out noticeably like a sore thumb, and I started to think that maybe this was a stupid idea after all.

It wasn't long before the lights in the club dimmed and the band appeared onstage. Everyone cheered and clapped loudly and I joined in.

With a quick crash of the symbols, the music began;

Hold on to the thread, the currents will shift and glide me towards you...

Stone stood along the left side of the singer, strumming his guitar passionately. His eyes skipped around the crowd until he spotted me. He smiled and waved.

"You're very lucky." A girl next to me shouted over the music.

"Why?" I shouted back.

"Stone Gossard just waved at you. I'd be the happiest girl alive,"

I laughed and watched as she turned her attention back to the band, bobbing her head wildly to the beat.

A hour later, their set ended, and I admitted to myself that I hadn't seen that good of live music in a long time. The crowd started to clear out while the band stored their instruments and equipment away. They all headed off stage. I didn't want to leave the club without congratulating Stone on his performance, so I muscled my way backstage. A bulky security guard stood screening the door.

"Um, can you tell them that Kayla is here." I smiled sheepishly.

The man clenched his walkie talkie in hand as he mumbled into it. Moments later, he stepped aside and I was escorted to a room full of sweaty men. Stone noticed me at once.

"Kayla," He held open his arms for a hug,"I'm glad you came."

I hugged back before pulling away to say
"You all did amazing." The other men started to stare at me in question.

"Thanks," Stone said, noticing the gazes of his band mates as well. "Oh, let me introduce you."

"This is Dave, Jeff, Mike, and Eddie." He pointed.

I gave them all a friendly wave.

"Where'd you score her at? She's pretty Stoney." Eddie added discourteously. I squinted my eyes at him.

Stone shook his head, disregarding the comment.

"Would you like to come get drinks with us? We're just about to head out." Stone asked with pleading eyes.

"Sounds tempting, but unfortunately I've got an early shift tomorrow morning," I declined. "But you should come by and see me,"

He nodded understandably and hugged me goodbye. I waved to the other men and made my way to the club's exit.

About halfway through I got stirred up in a crowd who were instigating a bar fight. The two men shouted angrily at one another.

"Hey! Watch it!" A woman barked at me, pushing me forward. I was dead in the middle of this soon to be brawl with nowhere to go.

One of the men grabbed a beer bottle, shattering it across the other ones head. The shards of glass flew midair in my direction, coming in contact with skin of above my eyebrow. The crowd of roaring people didn't care to notice and neither did the violent men. I pushed harshly past them, finally making it to the exit.

This was a stupid idea after all. My instincts told me not to come, but I had to pull out the nice card for Stone. I left the place with a gash near my eye and an urgent trip to the hospital. Fuck being polite and fuck that stupid club.

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