ch. 3

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After my uneventful night at the concert, I went to the hospital for the gash. I ended up needing minor stitching and didn't get home until midnight. I was exhausted and yet I had a shift first thing in the morning.

Once I clocked in at the café, I headed behind the counter to throw my hair into a ponytail and tie on my apron. Luckily it was just before opening time and Nick and I were the only ones on the clock... again.

Nick came in from around the corner, pausing at my injury.

"What happened to you?" He asked.

I frowned in return, "Rock concert. Angry men. Beer bottle. My head." I replied with a sigh.

"Kayla went to a rock concert?!" He feigned in shock, "this is definitely a surprise."

I nudged him in the arm. "Yeah, I know. It was stupid." I shook my head as I recounted my thoughts.

Nick tilted his head to the side and pointed his finger at me. "Does this have to do with the guy that showed up here two nights ago? Long hair, grunge attire?"

I rolled my eyes, "Yes. He invited me to his concert. Things didn't quite pan out the way I'd hoped."

"Those guys are dirt bags. Don't let them fool you." He said placing his hand on my shoulder.

"Stone isn't a dirt bag." I pushed past him, making my way to the door and flipping the sign to open.

My shift dragged, and Nick and I took turns on who would make the orders and who would distribute. It was my turn to distribute.

"Turkey breast sandwich and a small coffee, table four," Nick said, "looks like your guy is back."

A small smile crept on my lips as I saw Stone. I headed over to him, setting down his sandwich and coffee.

"Hey Kayla." He smiled, tucking his lengthy hair behind his ear.

"Hi, Stone." I greeted him, sitting across from him.

His face curled up in concern. "Jesus Kayla, did you get into a cat fight?"

I laughed lightly at his comment. Stone's sense of humor could lighten any mood.

"It's nothing," I replied, brushing him off. I had no intentions of going into detail about my situation at the club again.

"Well, okay." He shrugged.

Nick's gaze was burning into me from behind the counter. He beckoned me with his finger.

"I better get back to work. Only one hour left until I get to go home."

I sprung from the seat about to head to the counter when I felt him pull me back toward him.

"Go out with me tonight," He rushed out.

I mouthed words until I was able to get them out. "Sure, I guess."

"I'll be sitting out there waiting on you in an hour, okay?"

"Sounds good." I said although anxiousness pierced through me.

I waved him off, walking back around the counter.

"What was that all about?" Nick demanded. I shot him a menacing glare.

"Will you just chill?" I said, looking at the next ticket to prepare the order.

"That guy isn't good for you, Kay."

"He's not a bad guy Nick, and besides you don't even know him enough to judge him."

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