Chapter 6 : Recovery

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*an/ Sorry I didn't update yesterday, I've been going through some family problems, I hope you can understand but I'm back now so I hope you enjoy - Caitlin P.S I'm writing this on my iPad so I"ll change some bits when I get my laptop back :)

Chapter 6 Recovery

John P.O.V

I woke with a crunching pain in my head, I was still in my dorm and I could hear voices, no hold on, one voice. I could hear one voice. It was Sherlock.
"John? John! Your awake!"
"Yeah, mind keeping the noise down" I replied pointing to my head. He seemed to get the message because he lowered his voice.
"John, what happened?" He sounded really worried.
"Don't worry about it...."
"Are you insane? I just saved you from being hospitalised and I'm not allowed to be worried for my only...." He stopped and looked down at his hands.
"Your only what, Sherlock?"
"My....uh... My only friend.....I mean.... If you want to be friends?"
"If I wasn't your friend do you think I'd hang out with you and nobody else? Your my only friend in this place!"
He smiled, not a fake smile but a genuine smile, which was strange for him.

Sherlock p.o.v

"Sherlock?" John limped towards me with a confused look on his face.

"Yes John?" I looked up from my advanced chemistry book.
"Did you bandage my ribs and clean my cuts up?" I looked down at my book "yes...." I replied sheepishly.

"I'm impressed. Is that the first time you've bandaged anyone up?" I nodded. I didn't feel like telling him about my past. I shouldn't burden him with my secrets. " that's really impressive!" I mumbled my thanks.

I sighed "yes?"
"Why did those kids target me? I've done nothing to them?"
"They know your gay, that your sharing a room with the 'freak' and you haven't requested to move yet so they assume that we are an item...."
"How do they know that I'm gay"
"You probably know Thomas Butler from your previous school. He moved here, found out that you did too and obviously told Anderson."
"That. Asshole, I'm gonna kill him!"
"No you won't " I replied not lifting my eyes from my book.
"And how'd ya know that?!"
"Because I don't really want my only friend to get locked up. I don't really like being alone."
He looked at me sadly and nodded.


*Apologies it's late I know (insert lame excuse here) but enjoy - Caitlin

John P.O.V

The next morning I was allowed to go back to classes as normal, even though I had a fractured rib Sherlock had deemed me fit for learning. I didn't want to get the school involved, they'd involve my dad, I don't want that.

Sherlock hadn't left my side since the incident but our first lesson of the day was maths and we were in different sets, Sherlock of course being in the set above me. He just wouldn't stop making a fuss!

"John, are you sure your okay?"

I sighed. "Of course I'm fine! It's only a fractured rib! I've had worse....." My voice trailed off.

Sherlock gave me a sad yet understanding smile. "Look, John. Anderson and his friends are in your first lesson, I'm sure Mycroft can get you out o-"

"NO! No, Sherlock, I'm fine, really. It's only maths, nothing could happen."

He looked a little hurt when I had shouted at him but he gave me an understanding look. "Okay, okay. But if anything happens, you call myself or Mycroft." 

"okay, fine." I strolled into the bathroom to take a shower. 

Sherlock P.O.V

John walked to the bathroom to take a shower, I had roughly 8 minutes so I called Mycroft.

"Sherlock? What happened? You don't call unless it's important."

"Calm down brother, it's John."

"What about him? Have you told him?."

I rolled y eyed "No, it's not that. I don't want him going to his first lesson. Anderson is in his set!"

"I can't remove John from the lesson, but i can get Phillip removed for today."

"Fine." I huffed "As long as Anderson doesn't go near him while I'm not there"

Although I couldn't see him, I knew he was rolling his eyes. "Fine, Sherlock fine."

"Thank You." I hung up just as John got out of the shower, I got dressed quickly. John walked out of the bathroom a few minutes later, looking quite beautiful. Stop it, just stop it, he won't like you Sherlock! Nobody likes you Sherlock! The voice in my head wouldn't stop. I knew who's voice it was and I hated it. It made me feel sick, disgusting, every vile word there is. 

* Long overdue but it's up nonetheless

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