Chapter 20: A second fake Death should suffice

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AN// Well, it's been a while.... Apologies, my mum just started university and doesn't know how to use a fucking laptop, it's pissing me right off. It’s so time consuming having a parent, isn’t it?

I also have to bake for my GCSE Music class….. Don’t ask….

Anyway, I don’t have a clue what to name this chapter so if the title is weird, oops….

Well, here’s the chapter. It's short, I know.

Chapter 20: A second fake Death should suffice

Sherlock P.O.V

I stared at the note.

I stared at John.

John was pacing.

I was standing still.

So was time. I couldn’t move, breath, function. Nothing, that’s what I did, I didn’t have anything I could do. Everything felt so dark. I felt as if I was falling…..




John P.O.V

Sherlock collapsed and I rushed to his side.  I texted Mycroft, he would know what to do.

“Sherlock?  Sherlock, can you hear me?!” I yelled.

“Why am I on the floor?” A confused voice broke the silence.

“Uh Note, Moriarty, my dad, your dad, not dead, I was right, you’re an idiot and you collapsed.”

“oh.” He replied as I helped him up. He looked paler than normal. Maybe it was his dad, he wasn’t pale before I mentioned him.

“Sherlock?” I asked.


“Um are you okay? I mean, your da-“ I was cut off by his voice.

“Yes, I’m back Sherly!” Sherlock audibly gulped as the tall man sauntered through the door. He looked between us and leant towards me.

Sherlock P.O.V


He leant towards John and I froze. I was terrified. The one thing to ever scare me was my own father. I’m pathetic.

John had flashes of terror in his eyes but I couldn’t move. I noticed a red dot slither its way onto John’s forehead and one crawled onto my face.

“Fuck.” I whispered to nobody in particular. I had nowhere to go, neither did John. I didn’t know what to do, neither did John. I literally could not move. John would get shot. I would rather die than to see him get hurt. I, the Great Sherlock Holmes would rather die than do see my boyfriend get hurt. John Watson, what have you done to me?

I was brought back to my senses when I remembered our situation. I stared John right in the eyes and he blinked a few times, paused and repeated it. It was Morse code. I remember him telling me why he learned it, in case his sister came home and his dad was coming up the stairs to beat her, he would blink to her and she’d hide away. Quite smart actually.I paid more attention to the third time he repeated the pattern.

“Mycroft’s on his way” I nodded slowly. Shit. What would Mycroft do? Would he just watch again?

I started to devise a plan. My old gun was under the coffee table on the carpet and one flick of my heel and it would fly into my hand. Shoot twice in the back of the leg and once in the arm, sufficient blood loss to lose consciousness. One thing; Speed is key.I looked at john just in time to see my dad grab John by the chin and kiss him, John tried pushing away but my dad had a tight grip. I wanted to scream and kill the bastard. He faced me and said

“I get why you like him, Sherly. Feisty.” He smirked and turned back to John. That did it.

I flicked my heel at the carpet and grabbed my gun. I shot three times. Two in the right leg, one in the left arm. I put the gun between my back and trouser belt and walked over to my father’s body. Not dead…. Yet. I kicked him repeatedly in the ribs and sat on his chest as I punched him in the nose over and over and over again. I screamed as I beat him and John had to pull me off of his almost lifeless body. I couldn’t take it and broke down crying in his arms. I wanted to kiss John but he was tainted. Everything my father touched was tainted. I was tainted.Mycroft stormed through the doors and walked straight to me, kicking our father on the way past. He was pissed off. You’d have to be an Anderson not to see it.

“Sherlock, what are we going to do with him?” John asked.

“A second fake death should suffice.” Mycroft butted in, wiping my fallen tears from my face. Our dad was dragged away.

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