Chapter 8: The Kiss

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*So I wrote this on my iPod while I was at that park thing (which was pretty tedious) and a ranger was looking over my shoulder asking if this was Johnlock and then we freaked out together for ten minutes and my mum had to drag me away ....oops XD.
Anyway here's your fluffy chapter :3 as promised but it is a little short. I hope you enjoy this chapter, I've only just finished it too.
Please vote/comment and share because it means a lot :3

~ Caitlin

Chapter 8 : The Kiss

Sherlock POV

I went to the library that night to clear my head. There was something about John that made me "feel". Something I hadn't done since I was much younger. Something about John made me want to impress him, I don't know what's happening. Well, I do, I just don't know what to do about it. I like him, and I don't like anybody. I know he's gay but I don't know if he'd like me back. Something about that made me feel nervous.
I'll just have to experiment, see if he likes me back.

John POV

The next day, we had permission slips sent home. It was for a trip to a Wildlife And Theme Park. There would be roller coasters, lions, wolves, water rides and more.
I was ecstatic, it would be so much fun! But worried all the same.
Sherlock was on his bed with a library book he brought back yesterday.
What if my father refused? What if my mum couldn't convince him to let me go? I'd be stuck in my damn dorm all day with nothing to do!
"Your worried." Sherlock stated
"Wha-" I was about to ask him what made him think that, but I knew better. It is Sherlock after all...
"Yes, I'm worried. So what?"
"It's annoying. Stop" he stated, sounding bored.
"Gee, thanks Sherlock. Your such a great friend!" My sarcasm was mixed with a bit of disappointment. I thought he'd at least understand.
"It's no big deal if your dad doesn't let you go, we can do something else. It's no trouble. Now, let me read in peace."
"We? What do you mean we?" I asked.
"You think I'm one for theme parks an wildlife?!" He started laughing and the corners of his eyes started crinkling in the little adorable way it does when he laughs and he rarely laughs.
His laughing was so contagious that we were both lying on the floor roaring with laughter. The laughing soon died down and we just sat there staring at each other. God, he was beautiful!

Sherlock POV

I sat there staring at him like I'd just seen the most beautiful person smile at me but that was true, the most beautiful person was smiling at me.
I looked into johns eyes and studied them. *pupils dilated, cheeks reddening. * they were all signs of attraction.
I shifted closer to him and his breathing hitched. Here goes nothing.
I leant forward and placed my lips gently upon his. He stiffened but relaxed into it, I brushed my tongue gently across his lower lip and he gasped, allowing me to deepen the kiss. It was heaven.
But unfortunately, we humans need to breath and we broke apart and I rested my forehead against his, panting. Breathing is boring anyway...
I smiled sweetly at John and he smiled back.
"What does this make us, Sherlock?"
"Well, I didn't do that to stay just friends. Boyfriends, Duh!" I was smirking at him.
He smiled again and cuddled into my side, I kissed his forehead and we fell asleep like that. On the floor, cuddling.

I woke up around 8AM it was a Saturday but John was already up, he was sat on his bed. I realised that I hadn't had a nightmare at all that night. John was once again worried about something. I sighed. "John, what's wrong?"
"It's my dad, what if he finds out? He'd break my legs!" He was choking back tears.
"John." I walked over, sat on his bed and hugged him tight. " He will not lay a finger on you."
"What if he does? What if you're not there?!" He was sobbing into my chest gripping the sides of my shirt.
"John, he won't hurt you, I'll make sure he never gets you again." I was trying not to cry. A promise like that was made to me once, by my Uncle but he died two years before my father. The difference was that I keep my promises.

John POV

We were due to go to lunch in a few minutes but I was too tired from crying to go. I got up slowly and walked towards the door only to be stopped by Sherlock.
"Your staying here, I'll get your lunch. What would you like?" I was genuinely surprised by this kind act.
"Uh.. A jam sandwich? And an apple."
"Sure, be back in a bit." He smiled, kissed me, threw on his coat and scarf and left.
He was gone for around ten minutes and I've never been so lonely in my life.
The door suddenly flew open revealing Sherlock holding a paper bag and two apples.
"BEHOLD, LUNCH!" He yelled as he stepped through the door.
I was in fits of laughter and he threw the paper bag at my face. I stopped laughing and looked at him pretending to be shocked. He walked over to me chuckling as he sat on my bed, handing me one of the apples.
We started talking about our favourite things.
"Have you ever seen a Doctor Who?"
"Nope." He replied, popping the 'p'.
"How the hell have you never seen it?! It's the best show in existence!!"
"Actually that's a matter of opini-" He stopped when I gave him a look saying 'you better shut your mouth or I'll shut it for you'.
He smirked at me and opened his mouth to continue, obviously knowing what I'd do. As soon as he started to speak I pressed my lips firmly against his, stopping his speech immediately. We pulled apart seconds later.
"You knew I'd do that, didn't you?"
He nodded.
"Cheeky bastard." I said, kissing him once more.
I moved away and grabbed my laptop, turning it on and opening Netflix.
"What're you doing?" Sherlock asked me.
"We're watching Doctor Who. And NO deducing or anything, your going to sit and watch with me."
"Fine." He replied pulling me close to him as it started.
We watched Doctor who all night and all of the next morning. We watched from the 9th Doctor until the end of the first season with the 11th Doctor.
"What did you think?" I asked.
"That..was.....brilliant! Absolutely brilliant!"
I beamed at his reaction and we went down to the canteen to get breakfast.

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