Saturday Night Takeaway

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I spent the day touring some of London's finest tourist spots. For the most part, I was able to keep myself distracted from thinking about Stephen. It was bit easier than I thought. 

When I got to the flat to get ready for Takeaway, I decided I would look a little nicer than I planned to. I've seen the audience so I planned to wear jeans and a T-Shirt, but with Stephen there, maybe it's worth something a little more put together? I mean, I am not hoping for anything to happen..but just in case.


Sitting in my seat at ITV studios waiting for Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway to start was another dream come true. I could not believe I was there and, even more, I was in one the aisle seats on Ant's side! As the show started and Ant came down the stairs I put my hand up to see if I would be one of the lucky ones to get a high-five. I wasn't, but seeing him live was pretty was awesome just the same. 

The show was brilliant. Ant & Dec were hilarious as always. Being there was so much better than watching it on my computer back home. 

During one of the last advert breaks, one of the tech crew came down the stairs and stopped next to me. It took a minute before I realized he was looking at me. 

"I was told to give this to you." He handed me a folded piece of paper and then went back up the stairs to where he manned one of the cameras. 

I unfolded the piece of paper. "When the show is over stay in your seat. S"

I flipped the paper over to see if there was anything more, then around the stage. Stephen was nowhere to be found. His portion of the show had been much earlier and he probably wasn't on again until the End of the Show Show. As the advert break ended and the show started up again, I refolded the paper and slipped it into my bra, as I didn't want to carry a purse tonight. 

When the show ended, I stayed in my seat, which felt weird as the rest of the audience cleared out. None of the ushers made me leave though. In fact, no one said anything to me, they just left me in my seat. I watched as Ant & Dec finished up last minute things on stage and the crew packed up the cameras and other tech supplies. 

"So what did you think?"

Still looking at the stage, " I loved it. I love this-" As I turned my head, I laughed. Stephen was sitting in the aisle seat across from me. "Of course, Ant & Dec were the best part." I said with a smile on my face.

"Unbelievable, " Stephen said shaking his head. 

"Unbelievable, " I nodded. 

"Come on." He reached out his hand. I smiled and took it as we walked down the stairs to the stage. 

"Hey guys." Stephen said to Ant & Dec as he put his hand on Dec's shoulder. "I want to introduce you to Maggie. She is a big fan from the States."

I looked at Stephen in total embarrassment. He looked back and shrugged his shoulders with a huge grin on his face.

"Hi, Maggie. Thanks for the support, " Dec replied with boyish smile that always made the fandom melt. 

Here I was, meeting the men I loved and fangirled over, and all I could think of to say was, "Always." I wanted to die. I wanted to smack Stephen and his stupid grin. 

Ant and Dec just smiled. 

"So how are liking our country?" Ant broke the ice. 

"Oh, I love it!" I said. I relaxed a little and told the lads about what I had seen so far. They offered up some other tour spots for me to see. By the end, I was no longer embarrassed and even managed to get selfies with them and autographs. Thank goodness they didn't seem to care I pulled out my phone from my bra! They were everything I imagined them to be and more. 

"Well, I am giving her the tour of the studio." Stephen said as we finished taking pictures. 

"That's great. Give the others something to be jealous about, " Ant laughed. 

"Exactly." I smirked. 

I followed Stephen out of the main studio, down one of backstage hallways. 

"Thank you for that," I said as I looked up at him. 

"Of course, " He replied as smiled down at me. 

We walked around the backstage area for I don't how long. He showed me everything from where they film the YouTube challenges to the dressing rooms. We chatted and laughed. 

When we got to where they store the props, he showed me everything. The costumes, the Happiest Minute on Earth ship, and some of the old Ant vs Dec props. He stopped to look around the room and grew quiet. 

"What?" I said cautiously as he smiled at me with that mischievous smile. 

He didn't say anything, but lifted my chin with his fingers and leaned down to kiss me. I wrapped my arms around his waist and kissed him back. He pulled back and looked into my eyes, that twinkle was back and it sent chills through my body as I knew something exciting was about to happen. 

Alternating between little kisses and little bites on my neck, Stephen slowly guided me backwards until my back touched the wall. I relaxed my body against the wall as he moved lower, kissing and fondling my tits. I ran my hands through his hair and kissed the top of his head of his unbuttoned the top front buttons of my dress. He pulled my cellphone and the piece of paper out my bra and placed them on the crates next to us. While kissing the top of my tits, he squeezed them and coaxed them out of the bra, giving them kisses until he found the nipples to suck and give little nibbles. I bit my lip so as not to scream at the sensations he was causing my body to have. 

With his mouth still on my tits, his hand explored my body and slowly made their way down my dress until they were under my dress. He very slowly and teasingly slid my panties down, making sure to graze his finger along my pussy which made me bite my lip even harder. As I squirmed, standing against the wall, he slid his body down mine. He continued to slide my panties down while giving kisses to my thighs. I moaned in passion. 

He put my panties on the crate next to my phone, then pulled me forward from the wall, rocking his body forward against mine. Through his trousers, I could feel his hard cock. I moved my hand down and unzipped his trousers. I slid my hand into his trousers and wrapped it around him. He closed his eyes and leaned forward, moaning. I unwrapped my hand and slid my hand out of his trousers, pulling them down to completely release his cock for me. 

Stephen pulled me up and looked me in the eyes. He looked serious before he kissed me kissed me. 

He guided me up against the wall again. He cupped my ass and lifted me up off of the ground. I wrapped my legs around him as he slowly slid his hardness into me. Using the wall to hold me up, Stephen thrust his hips back and forth in a smooth and continuous motion . Keeping one hand cupping my ass and the other fondling my tits, he continued kissing me. As his cock moved back and forth faster and harder, his kisses became stronger and more passionate. 

"Oh God, Stephen!" I mumbled into his shoulder. 

He began thrusting faster as we both started to climax. I tried to move hips with his and he moaned at the extra pressure. We kept up the quickening rhythm until both climaxed together, losing ourselves to each other's bodies. Stephen pushed me harder against the wall so as not to drop me as our bodies weakened from the climax. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and rested my head on one shoulder. We stayed this way, catching our breath. 

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