So...Maybe, Not Good-Bye

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The last few days of my holiday seemed to drag on forever. As excited as I was to come to London, I was now ready to get home and back to my life in California. 

Emma called after the BAFTA night to apologize for what was said. She told me that Stephen was not himself since we were no longer together and she wished we could mend things. I told her I was grateful for the apology, but things had to be the way they were as I was leaving, and they were right, Stephen would move on when I am gone. 

As I sat at Heathrow, waiting for my flight, I thought about my trip and everything that happened. 

 It had been an amazing trip. Despite the ending, I will always cherish what happened between me and Stephen. It was like a dream and I loved every minute I had with him. I fell in love with Stephen and though it will be hard to fall out of love with him, I would not give up the time I had with him for anything. 


The flight home takes longer than expected. My quick layovers turn into long layovers and before I know it, I am three hours late for getting home. Luckily no one is waiting for me, as my car is in long term parking, but the wait is killing me. Sitting between a woman who keeps jamming her elbow in my side as she sleeps and a man who likes to sing along to every song on his iPOD has driven me nearly insane! I am to the point I just want to get home and take a long bath and forget all about this flight. It's sad that after such a great trip to London, this flight will take up a lot of conversation when I tell my friends how things went! 


After now being six hours late getting home and looking like total crap, I finally disembark from the airplane into Los Angeles International. As I get my carry-on, iPod man shoves me into elbow woman for one last jab as I lose my footing. She looks at me, offended. It takes what little energy I have left to keep my mouth shut about the hours of elbow in my side and how she can kiss my bottom for one knocking into her. 

I am half asleep, dragging my carry-on as I ride the escalator down to the main floor. 

I awaken a little when I see a big neon blue poster board with "Maggie" written on it. Being that my family and friends did not know when my flight was coming in, I figure it must be for someone else name Maggie and go back to my zombie-like zoning out. 

When the escalator reaches the floor, I drag my feet and turn towards to the signs directing me towards baggage claim. 

"Maggie!" I ignore the shout, still assuming it is for someone else, and keep heading toward  baggage claims. 

"Maggie." The hairs on the back of my neck stick up. This time the voice is right behind me. I can feel the person standing there. A part of me wants to run, but I recognize the voice. 

"You cannot be here," I say without turning around.

"Why not?" 

"Because you just can't. Why?" I ask, not knowing what else to say. 

"Well, I figured I haven't been to California in a really long time, so why not go now." 

I turned around to see the sparkle in Stephen's eyes. I can't help but smile. 

"How did you know?" I ask. 

"The ticket was on the table by the door when I left that night, " Stephen says mischievously. 

"So you snooped, " I laugh. 

"Unbelievable." Stephen pulled me in close to him and lifted my chin. 

I looked into his blue eyes like I did that first night and kissed him. He wrapped his arms around me and we stayed like that until security made us move along. 


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2018 ⏰

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