Chapter 6

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The next day
Molly and Emilio walked downstairs together in their pyjamas for breakfast.
Jake and the others were all eating at the kitchen table so the joined.
Molly had some toast with butter and jam, pancakes, and orange juice. When they had cleared up, Molly walked into the connected bathroom of their temporary bedroom and took a shower.
She used her strawberry shampoo, conditioner and body wash again as that was her fav then got out.
She brushed her teeth, washed her face,  put on moisturiser, then walked over to her bag to get some spare clothes that she brought. "Fudge.. I didn't bring my shirt." She muttered to herself still standing in her towel.
"You can borrrow my hoodie." She got scared by a voice behind her which made her drop her towel and appear butt- naked. She turned to see Emilio.
"FFS Emilio! You gave me a heart attack! What if that were to be Jake or Ivan??"
"I am Ivan." He said.
"WHAT!" She screamed and immediately covered herself up with her towel. "I'm just kidding! It's me, Emilio!"
"How can I be so sure?" She raised an eyebrow.
"Would Ivan do this?" He kissed her.
"Nope. Gimme that." She grabbed the hoodie from him. She wore the black savage hoodie (their merch) with black leggings and white converse.
After she did he hair and put on perfume, she looked at herself in the mirror. "It's like.. I'm missing something?" She said to Emilio.
"Perhaps this?" He said and showed her a golden necklace with 'love' on it.
"Oh my gosh Emilio! You don't have to keep doing this! First the ring, now this? What's next? A giant teddy bear?" She laughed.
"They're real diamonds." He licked his lips. "OMG! REALLY??" She was astounded. "Do you know how much this costs?"
"Yeah, but price doesn't matter. Only you."
"Aww I love you sososoos much Em!"
She kissed him on the cheek.
"Here, let me help you." He offered. She gave him the necklace and over her hair out the way. He clipped it on around her neck and it looked perfect.
After one last kiss, they went back downstairs. "Emilio! We need to shoot a video for this week!" Ivan reminded him. "Oh yeah."
"Hurry up."
"Alright I'm coming. Sorry Mol-"
"Don't be sorry. I was just leaving anyways. I'll see you soon!" She kissed him and left.

Pregnant (Emilio Martinez)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt