Chapter 10

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It was the next day and Molly woke up in Emilio's bed again. He was feeling better so they got ready to go see Ivan in the hospital. She wore a pair of black leggings and a white hoodie with some designs on the front. "Are you ready?" Emilio asked her. "Yeah."
The Team 10 gang got into the car and travelled to the hospital.
When they got there, they all climbed out and made their way into the building.
Anthony went up to reception and asked what room and floor that Ivan was on and they went up.
The nurse opened the door slowly to show him lying unconscious on the hospital bed with lots of tubes attached to him. His heart rate was being shown on a screen. He was still alive.
Emilio sat in the chair next to the bed and held his brothers hand.
"You're going to be alright, bro." He assured him. The intimacy made Molly tear up. She tried to cover her face until she saw that the others were just as bad.

A few minutes passed, when suddenly..
Ivan's heart stopped. Emilio jumped up and started shaking Ivan to try and wake him. It was pointless. The doctors came rushing in and one started performing CPR on him whilst another messed on with some tubes.
Emilio stood aside, bewildered. He never thought he would have to experience this, the shock, the devastation, the hope that his brother would come back. The doctors slowed down and stood back from Ivan after trying everything that they could to revive him. "No.." Emilio whimpered.
He stepped towards Ivan and started to cry into his chest. Everyone else burst into tears at the sight but Emilio was absolutely hysterical. But then suddenly Ivan took a deep breath back to reality and started coughing slightly.
"Bro?" Emilio asked. "Bro?" Ivan replied. They then hugged each other tightly before Jake came by and hugged Ivan too. Then the others did the same.
"I thought I lost you bro." Emilio dried his face.
The doctors were relieved that their patient was alive and quickly checked his pulse, temperature, checked for any broken bones and took a blood test.
"It appears that Ivan Martinez has a broken wrist, a few bruises and some cuts but that's about it." The nurse informed them. "Thankyou." said Jake.
They were all on their way home when Molly hugged Emilio's arm.
"You were really brave." She complimented. Tessa scowled at her but she didn't notice.
"Well, what can I say except I'm savage." He laughed.

Soz for short chapter again! Trying to fit lots more parts in. Do you guys want more brotherly love or romance? Comment\/💛

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