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"Alright, you can put your things over there, and sleep on the couch. Sorry about the prank, clearly no one thought it through. though, pulling a prank on the new guy is a tradition" Dan laughs as he shows phil around his trailer. Phil tosses his pillow and blanket onto the couch. Luckily the crew was smart enough to not put those on the lake with him.

He only have to stay with Dan for a bad or two when they can get him a new bed. He plans to use it as an opportunity to get closer to Dan.

It's Saturday now, and phils family isn't expecting him home until tomorrow night. They had driven through most of the night, and are driving through the day to the next location. By the time Phil's parents realise hes not coming home, he'll  be long gone.

They aren't staying at this next location long, so it won't be until the stop after that that phil will get to start practicing with the lions.

Hey! I love this story so much <3

Do you like road trips?

Love You! Bye!


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