chapter 2 : moving walkways

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After leaving his dorm with his backpack securely on his back (the poor thing was being held together by layers of duct tape. It's on its way out), Jungkook hopped onto the moving walkway that would bring him to his classroom's hallway. There was a whole network of them throughout the A.S.S. 7.8, starting in the lobby and snaking all throughout the huge satellite. For the Academy, they started in the lobby of that sector, and snaked through the dormitory halls, to the halls of classrooms.

Once Jungkook had reached his hallway, he hopped off and entered his classroom. He travelled this way everyday, and so did the other students, so in order to stay fit, the students had to visit the gym at least twice a week.

Jungkook enjoyed his first two classes well enough, but he was most excited for lunch. Once the classroom clock struck 11:30, he was free, and ran (more like stood as the moving walkway, well, moved him) back to his dorm. He dropped his binders on his bookshelf once he got in, and packed his two other binders for his next classes. Taehyung and Yoongi followed quickly behind him, being in a class together, and as the rest of the boys came in Jin started to make lunch.

"So - anything interesting happen this morning?" Jimin asked the lazy group of friends.

"Sora asked for my number again," Yoongi sighed. "She just won't stop. And I keep telling her, 'no thanks. I'm not interested."

"Sora!?" Jungkook, almost shouting, remarked. "You've got Sora after you and you're complaining?!" Jungkook lounged back into his chair and sighed, "she's so hot..."

"Fam," Yoongi started, "If you'd have known her since kindergarten, like I have, you'd know why I'm annoyed. She's... one of those girls. Only wanting you for the reputation you come with. Besides," he shrugged, "she's in the fashion programme. I can't be bothered with girls like her."

"Wow! So humble!" Jimin butt in, "For the reputation you come with," he mocked Yoongi. "How great do you think you are?"

"Okay, okay," Namjoon split them all up, holding 3 wii remotes. "Who thinks they can beat me at Mario Kart?"

Hoseok dove for one of the remotes as Jungkook held his hands out for one to be handed to him, and Taehyung snatched the last one from Namjoon's hands. They played until Jin served lunch, which today, was grilled cheese and tomato soup.

In the end, Hoseok won, the only reason being he chose rainbow road and he was the only one who could avoid death on that track.

When it was time for their next classes they all hopped onto the moving walkway, all branching off to their next classes. Once it was finally 4th period, Jungkook couldn't sit still. He was too excited to find out what the 'big project' would be. Ms. Song, his 'Survival 101' teacher, turned on the projector and the first slide appeared.

Big Project: Discover a Planet

Jungkook's breath caught in his throat. Adrenaline coursed through his veins as he became more excited. He continued to read the slide;

• Groups of 5-10, can be people from Mr. Lee's class, too.

• You get 2 full days to prepare.

• Bring more supplies than you'll think you'll need.

• You need to pass with a 70% or higher to pass this survival program.

"Okay!" Ms Song's voice echoed through the room. "You'll need to do five things on this trip. First! Name your planet; second, find and ecosystem; third, find new life; fourth, build a house or some sort of shelter; and fifth, survive this new planet for 2 weeks! Most of the planets in the quadrants nearest to the milky way have atmospheres like earth's, but bring any supplies you might need, just in case."

Ms. Song continued to explain how the A.S.S. 7.8 is the only American Space Station that has this survival program, and that in the 4th year of the Academy's University, they want to start sending students back home, to Earth, and that this project was like a very intense trial run.

"Each group will get anywhere from 1,000 to 5,000 dollars, depending on the size of your group, in funding from the Academic Board for funding your explorations. Please, use this money carefully, and return any extra cash to me the morning of your departure," Ms. Song clasped her hands together and sighed. "Each of you please email me the names of the people in your group and I'll deposit the money into your school accounts.

Also," she continued, "each of you have been sent a backpack with supplies you may need on your trip, based on your major."

Major. Jungkook had 2 majors; nursing and biology, which happen to go hand-in-hand, so his bag will most likely have a first aid kit, and things to lure in, fix up, and discover new plant or animal life.

Jin was a cooking major, so he'd get canned or powdered goods, cooking tools & supplies, and a book about edible plants you may find on foreign planets.

Namjoon and Hoseok were both construction/woodworking majors, so their supplies would be something along the lines of nails and woodworking tools to help build shelters, houses and traps.

Taehyung was a geography major, so he'd have map making supplies since he's almost a 'certified cartographer'. He'd track their journey and map out their planet.

Finally, Jimin was a flight major, so he'd be piloting the boys over. No one really trusted him; and if anything, his bag would have snacks and tools to repair the ship if needed.

With the boys' mix of majors, the 7 friends being together was basically a dream team.

Ms. Song changed the slide on the projector.

Discovering your Planet: What can I do with it?

• As long as you don't kill anything and don't totally throw off the natural balance and cycles of the ecosystems of your planet, it's up to you.

• Build a small village. Build a big house. Cut down some trees. Have fun! The planet is yours now!

Running out of supplies?

• Page Mr. Lee or I (me: pager 78; Lee: 89) and we'll have a runner fly to you with what you need.

• Don't forget to include a full list of what you need.


• You must pass this project to pass this 'Survival 101' course.

• If there are any malfunctions or errors, even if you've already solved the problem, you must page Mr. Lee or I to report all that happened.

• You will have 2 full days off school to prepare.

• You will be on the field for 2 full weeks.

Ms. Song spoke, "Failure to meet any or all of these expectations will lead to immediate suspension from the Academy for 15 days and have 1 credit removed. This project is worth 50% of your grade so I expect you all to work hard and diligently. I hope you all chose good people to work with."

Ms. Song turned off the projector and Jungkook put away the notes he instinctively took, knowing the end of class was near.

"Most of all," Ms. Song said softly, "Have fun! Record your findings and mission in the form of a video blog, journal or even tweets. Have fun with this project! Good luck!"

With those last few words, the bell rang and class was dismissed. Jungkook met up with his squad as they all were moved (by those moving walkways, of course) back to their dorm, stupidly huge smiles on their faces, yes, even Yoongi's. Their eyes all sparkled as they chattered about the project on their way back.

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