chapter 3 : nutella

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Jungkook woke suddenly, his body reminding him that he's got a huge project to work on, and 2 days to prepare. He slid out of bed, and headed straight to the bathroom so he could take a shower and freshen up.

Slowly, one by one, the other boys woke up, except Yoongi. No one was expecting him to be up until at least lunchtime, so they let him be. Plus, they were all too scared to wake him up.

Jungkook came out of the bathroom, dressed, but still slightly damp from the shower (a/n: i would say 'moist' but i don't want to get killed 😂). He smelled french toast, and...

"Nutella!" Taehyung greeted Jungkook.

"What? Nutella?" Jungkook asked.

"Nutella! For the first time in half a year!" Taehyung explained.

"Nutella!" Jungkook exclaimed, scurrying over to the kitchen. As he entered, the 5 boys who were sitting at the table raised their spoons, and shouted "Nutella!" all at the same time.

"Gosh, you guys," Jimin started, "we're one giant shitpost!"

"It's true," Hoseok giggled.

Jungkook sat down and started spreading the creamy chocolate mix on to his french toast. The boys had checked their bags of supplies from the Academy the night before, after they had gotten back from class. They were as Jungkook expected and had lots of useful tools and supplies. Jungkook didn't really know why they were given two full days to prepare other than making a solid game plan, since they were given lots of what they needed by the Academy.

"So - does anyone have a planet in mind?" Namjoon asked the group.

"Well, I was stargazing the other night —" Jimin started to answer.

"NERD!" Taehyung interrupted.

"IT WAS FOR CLASS!" Jimin retorted. "Anyway," he continued, "I saw a planet not too far from here - probably in sector 5 or 6 - and it had a meteor belt." He winked and Hoseok acted like he had gotten shot.

"Have you flown through a meteor belt before, Chim?! Isn't it dangerous?!" Jin questioned, concern written all over his face.

"It's fine," said Jimin, brushing it off. "If we die, well, we won't." This didn't make Jin feel any better.

The boys discussed what to do for most of the morning until Jin and Namjoon decided they needed to go out to buy some more supplies - from a list the boys had given them. Their group was given $5,000 for the project since it was one of the bigger groups.

Stuff we absolutely need

1. Metal Pot
2. Two 6-man tents
3. Water purification tablets
4. Blankets and pillows
5. Water coolers! Like, 6 of them
6. Water bottles
7. Cots (so we can sleep like kings)
8. Space heaters
9. Oxygen tanks (just in case)
10. Pocket knives and daggers, maybe a machete too (as means of self defense).

It was handwritten by Jimin, Jin could tell by the handwriting, and he smiled at how excited the boys seemed to be. This trip would be an awesome bonding experience, not that they weren't bonded already – but that there is always room for improvement (at least Jin thought so). He and Namjoon needed to make several stops to get all their supplies, not to mention the fact that Jin had a list of his own. Namjoon drove as Jin revised his many lists. (a/n yes the A.S.S. has roads for driving. Think of it as the size of South Korea. Unrealistic, but hey – it's in the future.)

"I'm a bit nervous Namjoon," Jin, sitting in the passenger seat, turned to look at the younger. "It's not that I don't trust Jimin to fly all seven of us to a new planet, but, I don't trust him. This is such a huge project!" Jin held his papers tighter, crumpling them in the process. "How are a bunch of boys in their 20s supposed to survive a new planet by themselves??! Jungkook is 19! NINETEEN! Namjoon, I haven't seen a real forest in my entire life! We're all going to die!"

"Jin! Calm down!" Namjoon gripped the steering wheel a little harder as he thought of ways he could comfort his friend. "It'll be fine," he sighed, "The Academy wouldn't make us do something that they don't think were ready for. Remember – we've been doing simulators since last semester. They have prepared us. And we're going to work together. We are like brothers, Jin. We can do it. And yes – we're in our 20s – we're adults, Jin! ADULTS! We're ready for this – we can do it! Also, I know Jungkook is only 19 – but I'd say he's more prepared than any of us!"

Namjoon looked over to Jin and noticed that he had calm down a little bit. Jin wasn't clutching the papers as desperately, and his breathing has slowed.

"You're right. It'll be fine. We will do well!" Jin smiled weakly.

"Yes, we will do great." Namjoon parked the car. "Now, let's start checking things off that list!"


a/n: thank you all for reading my story!! i appreciate every one of you! don't forget to vote, comment and add this book to your reading list!! share with your friends!

also - look at these

also - look at these

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im blessed up 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼

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