chapter 4 : hangar

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a/n; hey!! mae here :) just poppin in to say thank you for reading and voting for this fic! please continue to read and vote, and don't forget to add it to your reading list! enjoy :-)

Jimin led the 6 boys through the spaceship hangar. He showed them the vast collection of ships their academy had.

"We'll be taking the Skiff 78-49b, it's very agile and flexible so we can get through tight spaces, quickly." Jimin walked over to the ship and opened a tiny door on the side that exposed what looked to be a very small computer hard drive; he pointed to it. "Plus, this ship has the newest nano Anti-Blackhole technology. It won't stop us from being stretched like spaghetti, but it's more effective in telling us if there is one, with its force feild and detecting radar," he shrugged.

"Is there anything to help with meteor fields? Since, if we are going to the planet you want, we'll literally be flying through a feild of asteroids?" Jin crossed his arms and looked at the ship skeptically, as if he didn't believe a word Jimin was saying.

"Yes, actually." Jimin replied, walking over to the opposite side of the ship. Jin and the rest of the boys followed, curious of what Jimin would show them.

"This is one of the five anti-battering force feild generators that this baby has," the pilot explained, pointing to a little nozzle on the side of the ship and patting the dark gray paint job with his other hand. "It'll dissolve up to five meteors at a time. I installed them last night. They're fool proof."

Jimin continued to boast about his "baby's" functions while Jungkook's mind wandered off. Soon, his body followed.

Jungkook wandered around the hangar quite aimlessly, mostly just wanting to be out of earshot of Jimin's rambling. He looked back, and saw Yoongi looking at Jimin and listening quite intently. Jin stood there, with his arms crossed, still, with Namjoon at his side, hands in pockets. Hoseok played on his phone. Taehyung was staring at the ceiling, tapping his foot. Jungkook turned around and continued to walk, until he heard footsteps. He turned, once again, to see Taehyung scurrying over.

"Hey," Taehyung slowed to a stop in front of the younger. "Jimin's always too boring for me to care; when he talks about his ships. Anyway, Yoongi told me that Jimin named the Skiff after his baby sister, Eunmin!"

"He named the ship Eunnie?!"

"Yeah," Taehyung chuckled, "I wonder how the real Eunnie feels!"

"I don't think she'd be happy, considering that out of all things, Jimin named a gigantic space ship after his petite sister," Jungkook giggled.

He motioned for Taehyung to follow him as he continued to wander around the hangar. He hummed the tune of "We don't talk anymore" by Charlie Puth.

'still a bop, even after over 400 years since its release date' He thought. He put his hands in his pockets and simply observed the hangar.

there were windows all around, give me reviews from all angles of the planets in the Milky Way. The a SS7.8 did indeed orbit the sun, but from almost as far away as Pluto. The advanced tech of the ASIS illuminated the need for natural sunlight.

There were space ships everywhere. They ranged from single-pilot ships to ones that looked like they could hold a whole classroom full of students.

Jungkook walked towards a ship. It seemed to be able to hold three or four students comfortably. He and Taehyung strolled, as casually as they could, over to the ship. Jungkook crossed his fingers as he approached a green button that read "open airlock" (in what seemed to be Helvetica Neue, Jungkook remarked). He held his breath and pressed it.

The giant metal door at the back of the ship, left of the button, opened with a hiss, the pumps letting air in, in order to open the huge contraption. Some cool air from inside the ship blew out and ruffled the boys' hair.

"Jungkook! What are you doing?!" Taehyung held Jungkook's bicep (👀💪🏼👌🏼) which prevented Jungkook from walking forward. "We aren't certified!"

"It's fine, Taehyung! It's a public school - kinda. We can't get into too much trouble, right?"

Just as Jungkook was about to step into the ship, Taehyung stopped him - again.

"Jungkook!" Taehyung whisper-yelled at the younger, making Jungkook turn around. "Jin hyung just texted me. They want us to come back. Jin says, and I quote, 'It's time to eat. Wash up, and if you're not back here by the time I'm done cooking, I'll make you both sit in the high chair. At the same time."

Jungkook's eyes widened, and his heartbeat got faster. The dorms were a good half hour's walk from the hangar, and Jungkook knew: Jin would be making something that doesn't take a long time, just so that he gets to witness me and Taehyung in the high chair. God, he'll probably take pictures!

Jungkook grabbed Taehyung's hand and started to run through the hangar, which was, at this time, mostly empty of humans.

The boys sped to the moving sidewalk. They ran on that, too, (giving them an extra shot at saving themselves from the humiliation to come), weaving through the few students that stood on them.

They had been running for ten minutes straight. Jungkook's lungs burned, and he thought to himself many a time if it was really worth it; but he couldn't stop running now. He was too invested in not being humiliated that he just kept running.

Ten minutes after that, Jungkook and Taehyung burst through the dorm's door, and were greeted with the smell of supper and the sight of Jin standing with his arms crossed disapprovingly.

"Well well well. Look who we have here..."

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