Ch. 8: Eye to Eye - Shayne

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The sleep I had last night, if I were being honest with you, was a little... light. I mean, I slept lightly already, if having to stay alert for guards taught me anything. But last night's sleep was... light.

She told me everything.

And it sounded like a goddamn horror story.

Murderers, seeing the dead bodies of your siblings, blood everywhere, all while fear wracked your brain before it slowly downplays into something of the past. Especially now that the Blazing Sun seemed to be back in her life, ready to take it at any moment... The whole time she was open and frank, seeming as if there was nothing to lose at this point (which makes sense since her life seems to be on the line at the moment).

But that's not all. Nope. Not at all.

I was now responsible for the princess. I had essentially become her escort. If she gets hurt or injured or worse (which is highly probable, unfortunately), it'll all be on me. And knowing her family's history with a certain - ahem - murderer, it would make my job ten times harder than it already was, and I would most likely get targeted in the end as well. All to make sure she was safe again was putting me in severe danger.

So, now that I'm thinking about it, to say I had a light sleep is an understatement. Underneath my calm facade when I told Keith about how "this girl stumbled in confused and needs somewhere to rest", I was freaking out. Why did I take that offer!? Why!? Was it compassion? Was it pity? Wait, I know what it was. It's called stupidity.

No no no, when I took this offer I was thinking of all the things I could take away from this situation. After all, punching a Royal Guard and stealing from Royalty are not light offenses, so it'll help take all the consequences of that away pretty darn quick.

But, just...

Ooohhhhh myyyyyy gooooodddddddd.....

I always knew from the beginning that I might never live to be old and grizzly with a scratchy white beard and soft supple skin... But I didn't think it'd be because of this! At least it'd be a good story to tell when I arrive in Hell.

She and I both slept in the same room last night, mostly since she wasn't willing to be alone in a time like this, which I don't blame her at all. I mean, psycho murderer on your tail? I wouldn't want to be alone either. But there was no doubting the awkward looks we were getting from Noah and Keith (and his mother, which is a completely different matter) as the door closed for the night.

Eventually morning came, and sunlight came streaming through the windows. But that's not what I woke up to.

Instead, I felt something prod at me from the sides. Cracking open my eyes, I almost jumped at the unfamiliar sight of a ceiling, before realizing that I was in Keith's place for once. Then, looking to the side, I saw Courtney looking down at me, blond hair framing her face. "Good morning, Wayne." Her words were curt, with a tinge of loathing attached to them. I groaned as I sat up. My back was killing me from sleeping on the floor all night, and my eyes hurt even more from the brightness of the room. I mumbled a greeting.

At that moment, there was a sharp rap at the door. "Breakfast is ready!" Came Keith's shrill voice. "Mm, coming..." I managed to croak back as I attempted to rub the sleep out of my eyes.

Throwing the sheets and the pillow onto the bed that Courtney slept on, I tried to stroll for the door with as straight a posture as I could. Courtney, on the other hand as she followed behind me, had eyes bright, alert, and was already prepared for the morning. Her hair was all in place and her clothes looked neat and pristine. It was as if she didn't sleep in the first place.

I guess that's the beauty of the royal life.

As we sat down at the breakfast table, Keith, his mother, and his sister were already seated with some scones and water they probably got from the stream nearby. And it looked delicious. Almost immediately, Keith and I delved into the goods.

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