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Hello all!

Many apologies if you thought this was an update (ugh I wish, haha), but I'm writing this because I just found out that Rags and Riches just reached number 1 in the shourtney hashtag!! I'm trying to contain myself lol, but this is amazing! 

Thank you all, also, for the 4.3K reads, and  200 votes! I don't know if that's a lot or a little in Wattpad standards (I don't surf around on enough stories to know the difference), but that's amazing for someone like me! 

Thank you all so much for your kind comments over the long months (almost a year!) that I have been writing (and not writing *cough cough* school *cough cough*). Thank you to all readers, new and old. Thank you to my most persistent and vocal readers and commenters. Thank you to all readers who vote or just read my words. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart, this was a milestone I never thought I'd reach! 

I think I should also thank you all tremendously for the patience you guys have in waiting for me to update. Your loyalty is something that I will forever appreciate. 

When I update the next chapter, I will be deleting this small author's note so it doesn't break the flow of the story haha. I will, however, probably be bringing this up again in my usual blurb at the end of each chapter.

This got me thinking, should I do something to celebrate? Like a prompt prize or something? (There's a contest of sorts, I choose a winner, and then I write whatever the winner wants) If you guys like the sound of that, or have any other ideas for celebration, please let me know in the comments below! If there is enough interest, I would definitely be down to do something to commemorate this milestone.

See you all in the next one! Thank you each and every one of you :)


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