busy man

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Jaehee was finishing the last of her paperwork when she heard a soft knock on her office door. She looked up to see her boss' steely grey gaze directed at her.

"Mr. Han, you're back from your dinner date. How was it?" she asked. 

"Don't even get me started" Jumin sighed, he made his way into her office and slumped into the chair opposite her and tilted his head back staring at the ceiling, "I really need to stop my father setting me up on these dates, all of these girls are vapid and are clearly only interested in my money. When all your dates consist of nothing but them trying to take your pants off so they can get to your wallet easier, one does start to lose hope in all things romantic." He leaned forward and frustratedly rubbed his face.

"It must be hard, I'm no expert in love but I'm sure it can't be easy for you." Jaehee replied empathetically.

Before working for him, Jaehee would hear rumours about the notorious playboy, Jumin Han. She would hear stories about how he had a new girl on his arm every single week. Now, since knowing him for the better part of two years she can see that image was not him at all. She found it rather sad that even in his personal life Jumin's father still had a say. 

"You know Assitant Kang, you may very well be the longest relationship I've ever had with a woman." Jumin spoke up once again

"We-we're not dating, Mr. Han" Jaehee retorted hesitantly.

"I'm well aware, Jaehee" Jaehee blushed at the rare use of her name, it always seemed to take her by surprise every time he used her name. She had noticed that he would only utter her name in moments of tenderness and vulnerability. "regardless of that insignificant fact, you and I have a relationship that can't be defined in words. I want you to know that despite what anybody says, you are very important to me," Jumin concluded.

"Well, Mr. Han. You have an incredibly funny way of showing it, some days I feel like you give me an inordinate amount of work just for fun." Jaehee sighed.

"Yes, well. I have my reasons for giving you that much work." Jumin replied.

"Which is?" Jaehee questioned.

"It gives me a reason to call you up late at night and ask you to come over." Jumin said smugly. with that he left Jaehee's office without a glance backwards.

Jaehee was sat frozen at her desk staring at the spot Jumin had previously vacated. She had decided at that moment that she had done enough paperwork for the day, she gathered up her papers got her purse and the rest of her belongings together and proceeded out of her office. Once she had locked the door she made her way to Jumin's office next door to deliver her finished paperwork. She knocked on the door and waited for the response, once she heard it she made her way inside.

"I've come to deliver the last of the paperwork for today, and then I'm heading home." Jaehee spoke with a slight shake in her voice

Without looking away from the document he was currently reading he said, "Thank you, just leave it on top of the pile" after Jaehee had placed her documents on his desk and spun around to head out the door Jumin's voice piped up once again.

"Stay close to your phone" Jumin stated.

"Y-yes, sir" Jaehee mumbled, her back facing Jumin and walked out.  

After the short drive from the office to her home, Jaehee opened up a bottle of wine and poured herself a glass. she headed to her couch and logged into the chatroom.

*Jaehee Kang entered the chatroom* 

MC: Jaehee!! TGIF am i right?!?!

Jaehee: Very much so, i'm glad the work week is finally over!

when business becomes pleasure: jumin x jaeheeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz