(you're) having my baby

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"I'm pregnant..." 

That was the first thing Jaehee said when she walked into his office in the morning. 

"Okay.." was all that Jumin said at what she thought was supposed to be incredibly shocking news

"And it's your baby" Jaehee replied timidly. 

She had been mulling it over for the past couple of weeks whether she should tell him or not. Her skirts were starting to become too tight for her so she thought it only right to bring the subject matter up. 

Jumin and Jaehee always had a friends with benefits agreement between them, and one night when a major deal went through Jumin thought he would treat Jaehee to a lavish dinner as a thanks and congratulations on all of the hard work she had done in order for the contract to be approved. When they got back to Jumin's apartment at the end of the night one thing lead to another and now Jaehee was in the situation she was in right now. 

"I know" Jumin replied once again

Jaehee was becoming very nervous at his short replies, she feared that an anger was bubbling up inside him. Fear that he would call her a liar. Fear that he would cut her out of her life. 

"And?" Jaehee asked with slight fear creeping into her voice

"I suppose I should start an education savings plan then" Jumin replied nonchalant 

Jaehee stared at him in shock...what? She had been prepared for the anger, but this? this certainly threw her off balance.

"Aren't you mad? We've never really talked about you wanting children. And this certainly wasn't planned. Jumin, please. Tell me what you really think!" Jaehee said angrily, because how dare he act like this was a somehow normal occurrence in their relationship.

Jumin got up from his desk, and went to crouch in front of Jaehee

"Do you want me to get mad? Because I can't. This is a gift Jaehee, a gift that I could only have ever dreamed of. And you're the one giving it to me, don't you understand how special this is for me? This is the greatest display of love, you're having my baby. You'll forever have a part of me with you. Thank you." Jumin said passionately as he stared into Jaehee's eyes

Jaehee felt the tears rolling down her cheeks she pushed herself off of her chair and into Jumin's arms as she continue sobbing into his chest.

"We'd never discussed children before so I was scared you'd cut me out of your life if I got pregnant." Jaehee said between hiccups as her sobs subsided

"I love you and I love this baby. I'm not sure if you feel the same about me, but that doesn't really matter right now. I'll always be here for you, anytime and anywhere. If you'll let me" Jumin pulled Jaehee even closer to himself, he never knew he could feel such happiness in life. 

Jaehee only replied with a soft kiss to his lips, and both of them knew that they were safe with each other. That they'd always have each other. 

Jumin never knew he could feel real happiness at all, but in this moment he knew it was possible and it was all due to Jaehee. And Jaehee felt the same about him.

a/n well here's another jumin x jaehee fic, i literally wrote this half an hour before i had to go to work. but as per usual it's shit but i love it. i don't really plan on following up with the baby or anything but who knows what the future will hold, right?

when business becomes pleasure: jumin x jaeheeWhere stories live. Discover now