"marry me?"/" i guess"

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They had come to an agreement, if by the time they were both thirty-five and not married they would just marry each other. They didn't hate each other but they certainly weren't in love with each other. They were both practical people, they knew that they worked well together and knew things about each other that even people in a real relationship wouldn't know about one another. So as years and birthdays went by the last grains of sand in the hourglass were trickling through.

Lo and behold on the day of Jaehee's 35th birthday party, Jumin had given her a gift. After everyone had left the party at Jaehee's apartment she and Jumin were left to clean up the mess. Once the mess was tidied they lay together on opposite sides of the couch, Jumin reached into his jacket pocket and produced a small box and tossed it to her as if he was tossing her a beer.

Jaehee opened the small box and as expected, there was an engagement ring inside.

"How much did you spend on this? It's beautiful. I would have settled for a ring out of a gachapon machine at this point, you know." Jaehee said as she gave a small chuckle.

Jumin simply shrugged and replied, "I didn't spend anything on it. It was my mother's favourite ring. My father had kept it in case I got married. I told him that I had wanted to give it to you and he sent it to me in the mail."

Jaehee looked at him in shock. His father had just willingly sent his wife's favourite ring so that his son could propose to his assistant?

"He must be very desperate for you to marry, then?" Jaehee asked hesitantly 

"Perhaps but he's quite fond of you, so he saw no reason to refuse my request." Jumin said while giving one more shrug.

"I see. Well, thank you it's a very beautiful ring." Jaehee spoke with a soft smile on her lips that made her brown eyes twinkle

"Of course, only the best for my future wife" Jumin replied with a smile of his own

"Aren't you forgetting something, though?" Jaehee inquired with a mischievous grin on her face

Jumin looked at her with a questioning look and tried to remember if he had indeed forgotten something. His musings however were interrupted when the ring box was thrown against his chest. He looked down to where it fell onto his lap and laughed. Jumin got up from the couch and got down onto one knee in front of Jaehee.

With the biggest smile she had ever seen on his face and he was sure was the biggest smile he's ever produced he said, "Marry me?" 

With a slight shrug of her shoulders she simply replied with "I guess"

Jumin got up off of his knee and placed the ring on Jaehee's left hand, he looked deeply into her eyes and said, "I should go now"

He was surprised however when Jaehee grabbed a hold of his tie and pulled him in to meet her lips. They parted slightly and all that Jaehee said was, "Stay". Jumin laughed against her lips before he captured them again in another kiss.

a/n dun dun duuuuuun. what happened after all of this? who knows? i don't. i'll leave that up to you. i've always wanted to write a fic about how two friends decide that if when they reach a certain age and aren't settled down, they would just settle down together. anyways this was written in 30 minutes so the story is very rushed and there are a lot of plotholes (but those plotholes could be filled? ooh spoiler alert) but i don't hate how it turned out lol.   

when business becomes pleasure: jumin x jaeheeWhere stories live. Discover now