Chapter 3

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Forgive me if Shawn seems slightly OC in this chapter. I tried my best- J

Disconnected by Five Seconds of Summer to the side for those of you who like music with your chapters.

Meanwhile Juliet was discussing something similar with Lassiter.

"Carlton, can I tell you something secret?"

"Of course, O'Hara, what is it?" he answered.

Carlton had never really been anyone's confidant before and he noticed slightly that his heart had picked up speed and that his palms had started sweating.

Just like a teenager on his first date.

"I that I'm...I may be...I'm-developing-feelings-for-Shawn." She said feeling like she might throw up. Once she had said it through she felt like a weight had been taken off her chest now that she had finally told someone.

"Well, um. As you know I'm not exactly an expert on these things but, ah, if you're sure I mean, I think you should, maybe, tell him, about, erm, how you feel." He stuttered and blushed harder than Juliet had ever seen before.

Juliet patted Carlton's arm and smiled. "Thank you, I'll take that into consideration." She answered upon realizing how much more awkward this all was for Carlton instead of herself. Juliet turned back around, and on impulse, hugged Lassiter before rejoining Shawn where he was talking to Savannah between scenes.

"You two are just the picture perfect couple aren't you?" the young girl commented, when Juliet sat beside Shawn and made a face.

"I guess you could say that." Said Shawn with an equal parts amused and whimsical expression. He shrugged and kissed her cheek. Juliet blushed slightly but felt that she was getting better at dealing with the affect Shawn had on her.

"She's not big on PDA." Shawn said with a sly grin.

Finding themselves in private Lassiter and Gus traded information.

"You first, Guster. Mine is big."

"I highly doubt that it's bigger than mine but, sure. I will go first." Answered Gus with a cocky smile.

"Shawn just told me that he's in love with Juliet."

"Dammit! O'Hara only told me that she has feelings for him." Lassiter protested. "Do you believe him, that he loves her?" Lassiter asked. He had always thought that he was rather observant but, he had no clue that Shawn had been harboring these feelings for his partner.

"Yeah, I mean have you seen the way he looks at her?" Gus asked and pointed at the pair sitting happily with Savannah and chatting like they had been an item for years and years. Shawn was looking at Juliet with an adoring look in his eyes while Juliet was talking animatedly with their new friend. Whipping out his phone, he snapped a quick picture before stowing it again.

"What was that?" asked Lassiter, both confused and slightly creeped out.

"I've been taking pictures of them acting cute around one another and sending them to the Chief." answered Gus, who was slightly scared that his new hobby was creepy enough that Lassie would take it upon himself to beat the stuffing out of him.

"Can I see the others?" asked Lassiter, surprising Gus. Lassiter was curious as to what sorts of faces Shawn made that were indicative of these supposed 'feelings'.

"You serious?" asked Gus; just to be sure he wasn't being punked or something.

"Yes, I am, now show me."

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